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  1. J

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Well, heck! I don't have a rock, but I could either hit him in the head with my TiPB or my... BRAND NEW 600MHz, combo-drive iBook that just got here like 15 minutes ago! Sorry. I digress. And Admiral, who you calling little?! J
  2. J

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Yeah, Admiral, I know, but someone's gotta keep you guys in line! (: J
  3. J

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    >I have not interest in fighting over mundane things such as girls (on the >internet that is) I think I'm offended. I mean, hey, you don't have to fight over my tech questions, but isn't "mundane" a little harsh? Never been called THAT before. Lot's of other things, sure, but mundane...
  4. J

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    So, let me get this straight. If I come up with a problem, you'll all fight over who gets to figure it out?! Sweet! Life is getting better all the time! J
  5. J

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    There are other girls here, right? J
  6. J

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    But here's my desktop. J Personally, I'm partial to the desktop.
  7. J

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Say! I like this thread! Here's my face. J
  8. J - problems

    Sorry, this is a bit off topic, but speaking of Pong... I just ran across a bit of emu software that lets you emulate the Palm desktop on your Mac, and a related file that lets you play Pong on your emulated Palm desktop. Now if only we could get it to run under Virtual PC under Classic in...
  9. J - problems

    Indeed! Having native ping is a nice thing. It is good to be a Mac user! J
  10. J - problems

    Ah, yes. I do remember the name change thing. That's does sort of stink when some yo-ho takes a domain name just to be able to sell it. I have a feeling, however, that anarchy would probably have a lot of appeal. You say it works well in OSX but without features? What works and what doesn't...
  11. J

    Flat screen iMac

    It seems that our buying folks are getting word that the current iMac will be discontinued in the near future. The rumor mill has it that an announcement will be made at MacWorld in July. It'd be an amazing and swell thing if it really happened and if the price were really great. If it's...
  12. J - problems

    Oh, the heartbreak I felt when I gave up Fetch! Fetch was one of my all-time favs, but I stumbled across Anarchie a while ago, and I never looked back. This is the WAY righteous app to beat all apps! It does FTP (with resumable transfers should you get interrupted), http connections that will...
  13. J

    Tech Reporting Is Garbage

    Sounds to me like Coursey didn't get much in the way of info. Remember those book reports you did based on Cliff's Notes? Sounds like rather than admit he either conducted a less-than-wonderful interview, or that perhaps he didn't understand a word of what Torvalds had to say (the guy is...
  14. J

    Dynamic DNS services

    I can't imagine why I'd need it (at least at this point), but with the incredibly rapid changes in access providers and access means, it might come in handy someday. My DSL service has gone through at least six different owners in the last year, so this might be a way to ensure DNS.
  15. J

    Documentation for DevTools

    I know OSX is still relatively new, but has anyone seen any decent documentation (other than Apple's, which is scant) covering things like MRJ ApplicationBuilder and some of the other DevTools? I'm managing to figure out a lot of stuff, but other things seem either not to be implemented yet, or...
  16. J - problems

    This is a topic of much disgruntlement at my workplace (we do computing at a university). There are days when adcritic flies, and many many more days when it crawls on it's weak little knees, only to collapse mere bytes before you get your QT movie. This appears to be cross-platform and cross-OS...