Search results

  1. L

    Macintel (Pictures intel inside)

    Bingo. Compare pictures of dual and single CPU PC motherboards. The board shown in these pics look like microATX form factor.
  2. L

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    RE: MacFreak Not sure about PPC CPUs, but I do know that x86 processors have IDs that can be read in software. Couple that will this impending doom of on-chip DRM, it may be possible for Apple to basically restrict and prevent CPU upgrades. Meaning, you can't buy an off-the-shelf Pentium 4...
  3. L

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    Yes. There are pictures of the CPU graphs around the net. Shows 4 graphs. Even right now with dual Xeon hyper threaded CPUs (non dual core).
  4. L

    There is only ONE Reason to buy a Macintosh

    Nah, worst case is this thread gets locked. There has always been only one reason to buy a Mac: MacOS. Hardware is just metal, it's the software that allows you to actually do something.
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    It's The End Of The World As We Know It

    Guess what? Look in this very forum itself and see how many Tom, Dick and Harry is trying to get a piece of hardware working in OSX. You're being a bit naive if you really think there's a quality difference between Mac/PC hardware. Logic board problems, laptop screens going wacky, cooling fans...
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    It's The End Of The World As We Know It

    Isn't it ironic that IBM makes these desktop/server powerhouse CPUs, Motorola focuses on embedded chips, yet they can't get together to make a decent mobile PPC chip? I'll admit I tend to be unsupportive, and call bull on a lot of Jobs' speeches and promises... but I'm genuinely suprised and...
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    PC & MAC become one

    Because there are people, armed with cash, who refuse to use Windows.
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    Another Good Reason to be 3% of the Market...

    *BSD and Linux are not immune. Fact of the matter is a great number of web sites online right now are running Apache. So a malicious person would be focusing their efforts to attack Apache. Even though IIS is just easier to bring down :)
  9. L

    Xbox(v1) compared to Xbox 360

    You're missing my point. I know I've been beating the "Doom3 Mac port sucked" drum over and over, I'm sorry. But that's a perfect example of a game, designed with OpenGL and NOT DirectX, and was very heavily GPU bound. But given the same video cards, the Mac version performed worst. It was...
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    REALLY simple question

    int NSRunAlertPanel(NSString *title, NSString *msg, NSString *defaultButton, NSString *alternateButton, NSString *otherButton, ...) title: Title of the message box, equivalent to Win32's second argument in MessageBox(). msg: duh :P the last 3 args in NSRunAlertPanel (defaultButton...
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    Creating jar files

    This link should explain it all: There's a command line tool in the JDK, cleverly named "jar" to handle creating/extracting.
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    Xbox(v1) compared to Xbox 360

    Blame Apple's OpenGL implementation, not very game friendly. Afterall, that's where the grunt of a game's work goes on. And that's a very important point because I don't believe the 9800 chip supports Shader 3.0 spec (assuming MS ported DirectX to PPC) I almost want to say that those G5 dev...
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    RAM sharing

    Well there is also an "Uber graphics" mode that is tailored for video cards with 512 MB video RAM. But it's optional so you shouldn't worry about that. Your system will be able to play Doom3. How well and how pretty... are variable.
  14. L

    RAM sharing

    Not quite. Thank your kernel (and/or video drivers), it's a software feature. AGP just makes it happen faster. Just didn't want people to get the impression that PCI video cards can't do the same.
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    Apple to switch?????

    My head hurts. Is it possible to port OSX to x86 yes. Is it feasible? Yes again. Why? Slap it on a custom motherboard with OpenFirmware and that's one less thing they'd have to worry about. So they can still maintain that iron clad grip on their hardware platform. Mac users automatically...
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    OSX 10.5 "Sabertooth"

    Why? Wasn't "Lisa" a code name once upon a time?
  17. L

    OSX 10.5 "Sabertooth"

    If Apple decided to call the next version of their OS "Sally" would that stop anyone from using it?
  18. L

    Does Memory Management Suck or What?

    Nah, real-time memory management still works the same. Outside the lifespan of an app, there's not much third party developers can do, so your contempt for Tiger is understandable. The least I was trying to do is convince you that the runtime performance would not be hindered by this new memory...
  19. L

    Does Memory Management Suck or What?

    When an application starts up the kernel creates a heap for it, and when said app is requesting blocks of memory it's getting it from that heap. Granted the heap can grow and then that would be hitting this potential performance block you're describing. But a good developer should know ahead of...
  20. L

    Does Memory Management Suck or What?

    You're one to speak. I wasn't attacking your ego, nor did I do any name-calling so put that knife down. You're complaining about something that no one here can change, how constructive do you think this conversation can be? Unless someone feels adventurous and wants to hack and recompile Mach...