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  1. L

    Will Counter-Strike Source come to the Mac?

    I think it was on that I read and article, IIRC, they said it's the networking code in the old Counterstrike that was the show stopper.
  2. L

    FireWire drive noise

    It's the same kind of hard drive sound inside computers. These devices operate on a rotating motor that spins the platters around so the heads can read data off the platters. With any mechanical moving part, it can suffer from wear and tear. Usually after several months of use. External...
  3. L

    Dual 2.7 GHz - what is it exactly?

    *smacks forehead* I just got it. Yeah there wasn't anything wrong with your wording. Twice as fast as in the lump sum of the jobs you're doing, not the individual tasks. Pfft, leave it to a programmer to screw up English. Sorry about that :o
  4. L

    software project mgmt for mac

    If you also want to manage other assets like random notes, feature requests, bugs, etc. there are many web based solutions that invovle PHP/MySQL. I've setup various webapps using apache/php/mysql and it's a dream to do in OSX, it's just easier. That's a web based...
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    Dual 2.7 GHz - what is it exactly?

    Not everything can be coded to work with symmetric processing. In fact, you incurr some overhead when designing multithreaded apps, simply because the data has to be rearranged in a way to allow for both CPUs to read/write to the data source simultaneously. That is why we probably won't ever see...
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    java compiler

    You're also forgetting Carbon's role for companies to port software to OSX. Without Carbon, Alias would not have ported Maya.
  7. L

    java compiler

    Are you poking fun at me david?
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    Tiger is already shipping...

    I read the review that's up on Ars Technica. I have to admit, Tiger looks effin' awesome. I think what attracted me the most is they toned down the obnoxious UI. looks more comfortable for people use to Outlook or Eudora, and pretty much any email client before the original
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    Command to see Sharing

    If it's smb shares you want to monitor: Connected users smbstatus -b Prints the connected users to each Samba host on the current server.
  10. L

    Command to see Sharing

    Best I can find is And it seems OSX Server specific. *shrugg*
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    Setting Environment Variables

    I usually declare my user variables in .bashrc or .bash-rc
  12. L

    I am suprised no one has said anything about Half-Life 2...

    Sports games are more fun on consoles, hands down. I know you can buy a controller for Mac/PC, but still. Consoles have the controller by default, and we need something immediately to throw at our buddy when he starts that obnoxious "in your face" dance.
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    I am suprised no one has said anything about Half-Life 2...

    Is it worth it? Sure why not. I don't see it as a problem because I'm smart enough to not let that crap into my computers. It just takes a little effort, but unfortunately many people are impatient or just don't want to learn. Only once in my life have I gotten a virus and that was 7 years ago...
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    I am suprised no one has said anything about Half-Life 2...

    I can't stand playing a first-person shooter on a PS2. Once in a while some console games do ship with bugs. On a PC, I can just download a patch and the problem goes away. On a console though, too bad the discs are printed, done deal. More often than not, PC games allow you to save your...
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    OS X and Cisco

    Thank you! I was waiting for that. LOL! Oh God no! It's CCNA all over again!
  16. L

    Possible to use a PC as a router?

    If you're feeling bold, do a search for "software router" you're guarenteed to run into several solutions. Software routers are a little more involved to get set up, but they're more flexible, work a lot like hardware routers, and you can easily bridge it with various wired or wireless...
  17. L

    Problem with alias

    If it's a non-legit app, then there really is no surprise why it wouldn't work. But giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'd say go back to the source whomever you got the dmg from and download it again, or somehow get it again. If you downloaded from a website there's always that 0.00001%...
  18. L

    Event viewer?? like bobw said, is like a log viewer. Not "console" in the sense of command-line prompt so no, you don't need to type any commands.
  19. L

    CherryOS Released! Run MacOS X on x86!

    The thing about geeks is, it doesn't have to "make sense." It just has to work. Pursuit of knowledge, proof of concept, yadda yadda, all that jazz. Just to see if it can be done.