Search results

  1. L

    programming for photoshop Scroll down to the bottom, there are several SDKs there, the Mac compatible one is at the bottom. It's a commercial product, so don't know if you want to make a small investment just to play around with it. Here's a little article that...
  2. L

    making a server

    Wow. I'm enjoy this "simple" life too much.
  3. L

    making a server

    No port forwarding is still not an issue. It's only an issue if there's something blocking the ports, i.e. a router with built-in firewall. If multiple computers are connected to a switch and the switch to the DSL modem, there's still only 1 WAN IP address, unless he bought additional IP...
  4. L

    making a server

    Ignore port forwarding for now. If you connect directly to your DSL modem then you don't need port forwarding because all ports are already opened. You only need port forwarding with a router, and you already said you don't have a router. So don't worry. But as already said, your ISP may...
  5. L

    Adobe to aquire Macromedia

    If you can't beat them join them?
  6. L

    Coming from the Linux/Windows World

    I'm not getting upset over Carbon vs. Cocoa. Not at all. Actually I'm API agnostic. I just don't think Cocoa is be all end all. And I'm not trying to say you can't get a job doing Cocoa programming. That was vague on my part, I apologize. What I'm trying to say (should have said to begin...
  7. L

    Tiger seems faster than Panther...

    That is not what SIMD means, nor what it can do. Single Instruction Multiple Data. Which means possibly fewer loops if you're doing the same thing to multiple sets of similar data. It does not mean doing multiple steps/instructions coded in a loop. This type of optimization has little benefit...
  8. L

    Coming from the Linux/Windows World

    Real nice. Try getting a job with that attitude. The "won't use any other than XYZ" won't fly when you're coding for someone else.
  9. L

    Coming from the Linux/Windows World

    kainjow: You do know that Carbon can load a window from a NIB resource right? Afterwards it's pretty trivial to get into the event handler for each of the controls. For me at least, it takes longer for me to wrap my mind around Cocoa's message/signal mechanism and syntax. Heck, once you...
  10. L

    Korn Shell in Tiger?

    So you like to try out different things to see if you like them better, but you're not happy when someone gives you something to try... are you a woman by chance? hehe :)
  11. L

    Coming from the Linux/Windows World

    There's one very useful visual difference between Carbon and Cocoa, and you can sometimes use it to pick out a Carbon app: window resizing. Carbon has a window style flag that allows the window to be resized without showing the contents of the window. What I mean is, when you hold down that...
  12. L

    Korn Shell in Tiger?

    We can still pick which shell to use though right? In prefs?
  13. L

    Tiger bundled w/ iLife??

    If I upgrade to Tiger can I still use the iLife apps that came with my Panther CDs?
  14. L

    I am suprised no one has said anything about Half-Life 2...

    Hehe, the good news is the PPC is such a wonderful chip that even non-vectorized instructions (like simple arithmatic) are multi execution per cycle. So irregardless of Altivec or not, the PPC is doing more per cycle. Altivec is great if you need to do the same operation on a vast set of like...
  15. L

    Tiger seems faster than Panther...

    Again... you are incorrect. Look I'm not picking on you for being a Mac faithful. I'm just arguing the facts. There have been quite a few Linux distros that are *fully* 64-bit compiled kernels with 64-bit userland apps. This goes back maybe 3 or 4 (or more) months ago. Viro just said that Tiger...
  16. L

    I am suprised no one has said anything about Half-Life 2...

    Are you making an educated guess or just being hateful? Because I'd like to know how some of the best games of my time, ran on a 4 MHz Z80. And now a 16 MHz ARM. I'm talking about Nintendo's GameBoy family btw. I can prove your statement completely false by pointing to benchmarks of games...
  17. L

    Tiger seems faster than Panther...

    *koff* IRIX, AIX, Solaris, HP-UX.
  18. L

    Yet another enhancing question.....

    ThemeChanger is free. I've used it before way back in 10.1, and then I fell out of the loop. You'll have to do the research to see if it will work in the latest OSX.
  19. L

    serious dsl slowdown

    Here's a fun little story, sorry but it's not helpful to you at all. This was 4-5 years ago, at work we have a "business" class DSL service. But downloads were like 15KBytes/sec. That's maybe 3 times what I'd get on a 56K modem. So something was terribly wrong. Exhausting all my networking...
  20. L

    phpBB problem Safari/FireFox/etc

    Actually the problem is in Apache. Basically you need to edit your httpd.conf file, look for a line that kinda like: "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php4 .phtml" abd uncomment it by removing the # at the beginning of the line If one does not exist, you need to add it. It is in the...