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  1. L

    PHP & MySQL wont Communicate

    Do you run any other software that makes use of "localhost" ? Shot in the dark, but make sure "localhost" actually resolves. Worst comes to worst you can use "" instead of "localhost" or if that machine has a static IP use that.
  2. L

    Multi dimensional arrays in Objective-C

    If you can squeeze STL in and use objective-C++ #include <vector> using namespace std; typedef vector <double> VDOUBLE; int main() { vector<VDOUBLE> vecvec; // this is the 2D array VDOUBLE v1( ... ); // initialize it here or populate it with data later VDOUBLE v2( ...
  3. L

    Silly G5 Processor question...

    But it will be running in 32-bit mode :P
  4. L

    Doom 3 on Powerbook 12"

    You might want to look at what Sony Online is doing with the Everquest 2 engine. They claim that "no existing hardware today can play EQ2 at maximum quality."
  5. L

    .profile problem

    Check your preferences in to see whether it's using BASH or TSCH as the shell, they each use a different file for storing things like user defined variables. Try .bash-rc or .bashrc
  6. L

    Doom 3 on Powerbook 12"

    Turn of that advanced dynamic shadows wizz-bang feature. Dramatic speed improvement! I missed it the first time looking through the graphics settings. There's an "Advance" button with more options to tweak.
  7. L

    Burning DVD - 4.7 GB?

    Ahem... Try a different DVDR maybe?
  8. L

    3 Button Mice (in use)

    Alias' Maya would be VERY difficult to use without a 3 button mouse.
  9. L

    C++ & Carbon

    Common mistakes, happens to the best of us ;)
  10. L

    Mac vs. PC's on Highest Games

    One of us would have to do a really good search (me points to nose and says "not it") but yeah I saw an article in which MS bought and sent out PowerMac G5 systems to developers as part of the "development kit." Kinda like how other consoles have special dev units outfitted with debugging tools...
  11. L

    C++ & Carbon

    Did you change your source files from *.c to *.cpp ??
  12. L

    Mac vs. PC's on Highest Games

    Back on topic. id is one game maker well known for using Assembly coded routines - thus CPU specifc - for squeezing out every last drop of performance out of their code. But generally speaking it's not very common for game makers to resort to such techniques. It's somewhat safe to say that...
  13. L

    Mac vs. PC's on Highest Games

    Just food for thought: There's still no hardware audio acceleration for Mac games. Much of the audio processing is being done by the CPU. CreativeLabs did create a sound card for Macs, but it was a flop. I think there was a thread in this here forums in which someone said "turning off sound...
  14. L

    Quick question about Xcode

    Better yet, you might want to go to and sign up for the free Apple Developer Connection thingy. At most they'll just ask you for your name/address/email the usual suspects. Then you get to download the latest versions of all the dev and performance tools. Just don't...
  15. L

    Releasedate for Doom 3 announced

    Carmack didn't port it, Aspyr did.
  16. L

    Iomega external usb2 hdd lacks performance

    What filesystem is that HD formatted as? OSX seems to transfer slower to a FAT32 partition. I've had various external storage devices, from regular external HDs to my iPod's HD. When I reformat the HD into HFS+ file transfer speeds pick up noticably.
  17. L

    Powermac form factor change

    So how long did that "iLamp" iMac G4 flat panel design last? Couldn't have been long because I still remember it and use to own one. Now we have a new design for the iMac G5's. If you say the new iMac design is needed for proper cooling of the G5, I'll accept that. Doesn't change the fact...
  18. L

    What animation software is there for the Mac?

    "SIMPLE" is an over statement lol.
  19. L

    What animation software is there for the Mac?

    Renderman is just a renderer. You still need a modeling/animation package to create the content. Other Mac 3D packages include: Lightwave: Cinema 4D:
  20. L

    ibook battery problems

    Leave it on until the battery completely drains (run F@H or SETI, that should speed things up). Then charge it up and don't interrupt it until it reaches as close to 100% as possible.