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  1. Z


    I meant the way they lost 4-4-2 as in goals they were beaten!!! I like 4-4-2 too but my favourite is by far 3-5-2 if you have the players!!!! WELL DONE FRANCE!!!!CONGRAQTULATIONS This is what happens if a team is based aroun one player in frances case Zidan. :eek: I am glad i ut...
  2. Z


    Go Sacramento i used to support Chicago for the obvious reason of Jordan&company. But now in Sacramento Stojacovic(peja) plays and before he came over to the US he used to play in Greece and i used to really love the guy.
  3. Z


    Admiral any news about my problem with Greek characters?
  4. Z


    I am Greek ok!!! Last time Greece went to the world cup they were playing the following system:4-4-2 they were beaten 4-0 from argentina They were beaten 4-0 from bulgaria (i think) And finaly 2-0 from Nigeria. Next time we go maybe we have a better system who knows!!!!:mad:
  5. Z


    Let me clarify something Italy or Portugal will be the one team of the final. The other has to be one of France,Argentina,Spain,Brazil,England? This is how the groups will break down after the group stages!!! So I think that Argentina will win it but i hope tha italy can suprise...
  6. Z

    Military doesn't like Apple.

    Well i have to say i am impressed!!! Is it the pentagon that did that?no wonder they have so many security breachhes!!!!!! CIAO
  7. Z


    I am from Greece,we did not make it(what a suprise right?) So i have to support Spain(my girlfriend is Spanish) OLE OLE OLE OLE OLEEEEE OLEEEEE :o :o :o :o :eek: :eek:
  8. Z

    Greek Characters

    Den exo to OS9 den to xrhsimopoihsa pote! Trans:I haven't got OS9 installed i never used it. Thanks!
  9. Z

    Greek Characters

    I have one major problem complaint. That has to do with Greek characters in web browsers. Mozilla:dissapointing IE:dissapointing /some letters are totaly **** up OW:Great Chimera:dont exist but i can't blame them Now if you go to and see at the Greek characters on all...
  10. Z

    Apple Timetable!!!Guess work!!

    3rd of june 2002 Mac OS X 10.1.5 17th june 2002 Motorola announces new processor speeds!! 1st July 2002 IMAC updates 17th July 2002 PowerMacs next ? What do you think? august is normally a "dead" month so i dont supose much will happen ..... Sptember though i think we will have...
  11. Z

    25th Anniversary Mac

    Well guys you can buy one for 430 USD the auction finishes in 20 hours check it out if i lived in us i would go fo it but i live in Europe so ...
  12. Z

    Static (elec) PB G4 500

    Hi there, I have been experiencing some very high static charges on my powrbook since the day i bought it. It is mainly on the titanium parts around the keyboard/pad. The problem is that it makes it really difficult for me to work with it when it is plugged in. Has anyone elses...
  13. Z

    preparing CDRW problem

    Does this happen with just one cd-rw or with different ones? Also have you been using this certain cd-rw extensively?
  14. Z

    News Groups Reader(Binary Groups)

    Hello guys, I am coming from the pc world and i got used to MACOSX within a week. Now i am at the position were my pc is gone and i am only using MACs. The only application at the momment that is missing is a good lean newsgroup reader. I am involved a lot with binary newsgroups and i used...
  15. Z


    Yeap Greeks founded democracy !!!!
  16. Z


    Well after i posted here my opinion about the Greek seller of MACs i have some news, the next day they made an anouncement changing their price policy. They are still relatively expensive but i think that now their prices seem more resonable. i will try and calculate their prices in USD so...
  17. Z

    New awesome rackmount server!!!

    I am looking to buy a powermac!! Would it be possible to buy one of these amazing machines and use it with some peripherals as a i would use a powermac!!! HEHE i am not joking i bet lots of people have thought about this. Any answers????:D
  18. Z


    Guys I dont know why you are arguing for 1100 USD. I wanted to buy a powerbook back in August the price in Greece where i live was: 5714 USD whilst the same specifications one in US was 3500!!! Well what do you think now!!! I think the price difference is f***k stupid. That is of...
  19. Z

    DIVX playback problem

    With divx validator they work but i get no sound!:D
  20. Z

    DIVX playback problem

    MACOS 10.1.4 DIVX Alpha Well the problem i am having is that when i amtrying to play a movie that has been converted with AVI2MOV or that is DIVX the quicktime application becomes unstable and instead of picture i get various squares all with different colours. Also i get a terminal...