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  1. P

    Simple mind

    You can do that in OS X also ???
  2. P

    Simple mind

    One should be careful here : "the original Mac OS" is not Mac OS 9... it is Mac OS 1.0 ! While Mac OS 9 share the most intimate design limitations of the original Mac OS, one thing we cannot say is that Mac OS 9 retained the simplicity of Mac OS 1.0. Comparing the content of the original "System...
  3. P

    Simple mind

    You can count me in : I am truly not interested in having to type "sudo" every time I want to change "that" or add "this" to Mac OS X. My belief, however, is that Apple did a pretty good job of shielding the users from the Unix underpinnings without preventing others to tinker in the motor if...
  4. P

    Simple mind

    Right now, I believe that everybody agrees that Mac OS X is not perfect, but that it has a promising future... Many functionalities are still missing in OS X 10.0.0... some bad mouths go as far as to say that this version is "public beta 2". While I would not go as far, I would certainly say...
  5. P

    Costs for running

    I see you have a site : good for you if you can pay the ongoing costs yourself ! I would not have the money to pay those hosting charges if I owned a website... I think the owner is honest enough to discuss his concerns with us, and he seems to try genuinely improving the quality of his forum ...
  6. P

    FREE accounts?

    I am no fan of ads, but then again adding ads to the forum pages would not be a shameful thing to do in a business such as this one... Right now, there are only 3 tiny ones : you could at least ad two standard sized ads (one at the top, one at the bottom) ! But no pop-up ads and other...
  7. P

    User Ranks.

    Over 300 post, I would give the members the honorary title of "full time forum reader" ;)
  8. P

    Happy I'm not on Windows...

    I found it on this page :
  9. P

    Happy I'm not on Windows...

    It doesn't really have anything to do with Mac OS X, but I'm happy that my main OS is not Windows. See for yourself what my computer day looked like yesterday... Life as usual... (Sigh !)
  10. P

    Dual screen

    TommyWillB wanted to show us this : Dual Screen But he typed ".jpg" instead of ".gif"... :D
  11. P

    Congratulations !

    Very nice design, with a better "OS X" feel ! (If it is an April 1st hoax, it is a very elaborate one ! ;) ) <FONT SIZE=-2>P.S. : 1 - It breaks my heart, but... "Calendar" is written with an A, not an E (see at the top of the page) 2 - I preferred the more colourful smilies... <FONT>
  12. P

    So I'm running OS X Final...

    I do not understand how some people can have such a bad experience with OS X final (store bought copy, that is). Today, I went to the store to see (and buy*) OS X. They installed Mac OS X on a PowerMac G4 466 MHz (this is not the fastest thing in the Mac universe, as you will recall), and all...
  13. P

    I gots the final. :)

    That is right : for reasons I cannot understand, Apple chose the Carbon route for the Finder. Could someone explain to me why they did not program the Finder in Cocoa ? After all, my understanding is that Finder X was rebuild from the ground up... :D LOL :D (<FONT SIZE=-4>Maybe in the...
  14. P

    I gots the final. :)

    Hobeaux wrote that : Does that means that classic (uncarbonized) apps like Eudora can fetch email out of the box without requiring the user to install a reflector of some sort ? :cool: On another subject, AdmiralAK asked : Well, I would believe that the popup menus for the folders placed...
  15. P

    I gots the final. :)

    :D LOL :D
  16. P


    It does not really pertain to OS X, but it there a Mac compatible version of NetMeeting ?
  17. P


    (Double post deleted)
  18. P

    New iMacs

    I got a friend of mine... he knows nothing about computers. He came to my place the other day to study, we went on the web to find some answers to some of our questions, then we used Office 2001, played some games. He was awed, and he decided he needed a computer too ! So we fired the...
  19. P

    Upgrading h/w for OSX - is more MHz better than dual G4s?

    C’est avec plaisir que je parlerais en français ! Qui veut jaser avec moi ? AdmiralAK, peut-être ? C'est indéniable : ce forum est international ! Ce n'est plus un forum sur Mac OS X, c'est un forum des nations ! :)