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  1. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Like i said before my knowledge of webobjects is very limited (i.e. i know nothing about it) however i do feel that since its name is WebObjects i would be very surprised if you could develop device drivers with it. (if i am wrong and WebObjects is used to develop a broad range of software such...
  2. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Come on racer lets not let this degrade further by bringing spelling into it.
  3. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    I think the quote YOU provided from ME on page 3 pretty much explains my response for me. So why arent you reintroducing content then? come on you want discussion start it then.
  4. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Jeesh you dont even try and prove me wrong. The prosecution rests on that one. I cant beleive you think i would actually ask for help with some forum convo, you really do take this stuff seriously dont you, i mean come on why on earth would i ask someone to help me argue with some bloke on a...
  5. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    i must say Racer, i am impresed with the way in which you can repeat the same thing over and over again, each time changing it slightly so as to make it appear like you actually have a come back, which of course you dont. Go on try and rehash something else youve said before into your next reply.
  6. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Racer there you go again taking Quotes and then making a comment about each quote which has absolutely no relevence to the quote youve taken. please try and make some sense if youre gonna come back into this thread. And its called sleep Racer, a human needs it didnt you know that why ive...
  7. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    again Ulrik, i think you are serious about a discussion and then you dont seem to understand what is said, i take it youre not english or something. I explained my opinion to you very nicely, but once again you show your arrogance. in which case yes i think you should go and leave the...
  8. F

    can YOU live without Microsoft?

    If MS wasnt around Crackers would simply write viruses for the next most popular Platform, one will always be replaced with another.
  9. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    yes ulrik, in my opinion, that was not the first time i stated it was my opinion, however i also stated that i feel my opinion is quite an educated one since i have actually used most of the other Environments as also stated earlier. I therefore feel my opinion in this particular subject...
  10. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Ulrik, again you said it, Vic, popularity does not always mean it the best i know, but in the case of VS i have to disagree, in my opinion it is the best. and yes i have used the products i have mentioned. just the other day i recommended a Mac to my Grandfather, all he want to do is...
  11. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    ulrik you said it. Racer, you can try and twist word as much as you want it still doesnt take away the fact that you have lost. live with it.
  12. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    yes run boys run. gotta give it too you ulrik atleast you know when youve lost, pity i cant say the same about racer. I mean i know when ive lost, its just that it doesnt happen often, what can i say.
  13. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Racer i would never leave because of something you said, you really do think highly of yourself. you need to spend some more time in the real world.
  14. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Ulrik, Racer I figured you two out long time ago, well Racer only a few mins ago when his true colours came out. Is that all you can say Racer, sounds to me like you are defeated, yet another example of you thinking something and actually believing it is true. again nothing is further...
  15. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Valrus Fair enough, you dont trust MS, Regarding my Grammar i know, im typing quickly and am putting no thought into grammar. I dont intend to use grammar to make you side with me just Facts thats all, this isnt a CV its a casual forum hence little effort is put into me spelling or Grammar.
  16. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    ah Racer, you are so stupid, you put up this pretense that you dont find me irritating, but to get it out of you i let you think my defense is down. and what happens it all comes out, LOL Racer as if you could ever beat me senseless in an argument. I would never back down from what ive...
  17. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Racer admit it you want to be me :D :D :D I know you are in AWE of my Knowledge of all things :D
  18. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Anything ive not hit on yet, is not worthy of my attention due to their complete falseness and i dont have time to educate you otherwise. :D alas i have tried, you can only take a donkey to water you cannot make him drink :D
  19. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    My lack of content in the last post was due to my lack of time and my lovely lunch calling me :D I too do not want MS to highjack the Internet but i do still like the development Enviroment they provide, in my opinion it is the best there is and ive used a fair few of them, not all though of...
  20. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    RacerX i seldom get angry and this is certainly not me angry. i dont mind arguing all day, it gives me a break from my studies and a bit of fun. yeah i did say it was second to none, how have you addressed that with WebObjects, you havent. Believe me i would like to diss WebObjects :D...