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  1. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Man you are full of yourself arent you, tell you what you can sit back in your i know all world and laugh at my posts, i dont care Ill just sit back and laught at your Ignorance, LOL. what you gonna do now, do what you ussually do and call me Ignorant back or something and say my comments...
  2. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Oh forgot i didnt end up getting a Mac in the end i gave in to temptation and put the money towards my Suzuki GSXR 750. Very tasty 0 - 60 mph 2.8 secs and top speed of 186mph limited of course :D . A BEAST i can tell you, the neighbours complain when i start it in the morning :D wakes the...
  3. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Racer X MS have had that info clause since hotmail started, nothing to do with .Net. Visual studio.Net as a development enviroment is Second to NONE and you dont have to develop progs which reside on MS servers to use it. that is what i was commenting on and is why i said Apple doesnt have...
  4. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    vic It doesnt matter how they do it. Ulrik Microsoft Windows put MS where it is today, granted what you are saying is true, but so is what i said, it was intentionaly vague since i didnt really have time to break down MS' annual earnings into a pie chart for you :D
  5. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Selling Operating Systems can be quite profitable, ask MicroSoft, but then i wouldnt expect Steve Jobs to think different :D
  6. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Vic, check this out normally i wouldnt listen to that sort of stuff, but coming from the inquirer the chances are its pretty reliable. ATI and Nvidia are getting in on the action.
  7. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    dricci, you see it wasnt me that dragged this into an argument, some of the posts before ulriks made some good points and questioned some legitimate concerns about the architecture but this is just silly and part of the reason why i post so little here. Becasue this is a MacOSX forum does...
  8. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Vic I didnt say they were so giving and sharing, they like to make money, just like i do. Cant fault em really. Apple likes to make money too you know they do it by charging over the top prices for under rated hardware didnt you know. You dont moan about them not being giving and sharing...
  9. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    He's talking to no one. It's frgmstr, he doesn't know what he's talking about but has to object, that's all. Ignore him and he will be silent again. Says Ulrik of all people, LOL gimme a break. I only comment on worth while subjects if you havent noticed which is why i only post here...
  10. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    In VC++ dont know about the rest you can go to full screen mode, and the entire screen is just used for coding, then at the press of a button you can go back to standard view if you need some buttons etc.
  11. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    why would you diss .net its an amazing all in one Development Enviroment, why wouldnt you like that available on the mac platform, you dont seem to have to many other good ones to choose from, do you?
  12. F

    Do Apple's CDRW support burn-proof?

    didnt know they were 24x, suppose they arent slow then, mind you they arent fast either cos 40x burners are only £110 now days.
  13. F

    Do Apple's CDRW support burn-proof?

    That answers it then.
  14. F

    Do Apple's CDRW support burn-proof?

    I think the drives are pretty slow so its not really that important whether they support burn proof or not. Normally if you burning software doesnt give you the ability to enable the burn-proof feature it means its not present. Well thats my experience with Nero and EasyCdCreator in windows.
  15. F

    Ouch! Sun Microsystem's CEO takes a potshot at Microsoft

    I dont know why everyone gets excited about people taking pot shots at M$, when all is said and done M$ will win, they have too much ambition and MONEY to lose. In the end whether anyone likes it or not Java will never amount to anything near what .NET will, that is just a fact. I like Java...
  16. F

    German magazine "c't" f's up, lays the smackdown

    the mention of rc5 above is pointing out an app which the p4 sucks at because it does not have hardware rotate on the core. the G4 has always been good at RC5 why dont you do a comparison with OGR also from Dnet and then see what the difference is, the performance gap is more then reversed...
  17. F

    German magazine "c't" f's up, lays the smackdown

    oh and by the way the pipeline used in the P3 in the test is exactly the same length as the 1Ghz G4, so there goes that argument.
  18. F

    German magazine "c't" f's up, lays the smackdown

    The Spec Benchmark is a very respectable benchmark used in industry, The mention of double precision floating point numbers earlier is true, the G4 Altivec cant handle it the P4 can, but dont forget this is an old Slot A Cartridge style P3 with 100 mhz FSB and no SSE2 hence no double precision...
  19. F

    School assignment topic: Discussion on a computer preformance.

    You could discuss Spec performance, here is a very up to date article with all the latest apple hardware. obviously its only using 2 year old intel hardware to compare against else it wouldnt be fair :D :D :D :D :D sorry couldnt resist.
  20. F

    Shall we invite Mac haters?

    i shouldnt have to, no one else does, its just aggrevation thats not needed, im sure you would agree.