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  1. F

    Shall we invite Mac haters?

    hmm whats this, youve decided its boring around here without some good debates, well i thought i used to contribute to some decent discussions but that was until people around here started to delete my perfectly acceptible threads for no reason, now i mearly browse this forum once a week and...
  2. F

    Linux on PPC

    Yeah a kernel compile or gimp comparison would be good.
  3. F

    GeForce4 Titanium is now BTO!

    If i were you id take the 933, 512 MB RAM is plenty, extra cache and Mhz definately better then a better gfx card and and extra 512MB RAM. You can always add more RAM when it comes down in price again, althought its still not too bad at the moment.
  4. F

    The Register Follow up article

    yes apb3 that is correct but lets be honest here, those instances which you mention are extremes, i am guilty of none of them with regards to this forum though.
  5. F

    The Register Follow up article

    now that was well put. thats exactly what i mean, no one has to like what you say, but you still have a right to say it. I see what you mean but i do also post the follow ups to articles both good and bad. being racist is abusive i agree.
  6. F

    The Register Follow up article

    Look man, whatever. If i wanted to say to a copper "do you smell bacon" theres nothing he could do about it, im simply asking a question. Being racist is being racist at the end of the day, however if i said i hate N*****(not that i do but since you bought it up) in general im perfectly within...
  7. F

    The Register Follow up article

    thats just my point, if i considered free speech anything which i agreed with, it would still be free speech cos thats what free speech is, its FREE, it means you can say ANYTHING and if others dont like it they can lump it. for those of you that are interested ther is a good couple of...
  8. F

    The Register Follow up article

    apb3 tell you what m8, go to, compare and then tell me if this is a free speech board, ive had perfectly decent threads deleted on here so dont go telling me whats free and whats not, i think you should realise in life that just cos you dont see it doesnt me it doesnt happen...
  9. F

    Wait, what the..!?! (New PowerMac processor double-take)

    ill have a look for ya for the urls(even though theyll be critisised for being bias etc), no doubt the new fab techniques increase the headroom of the proc all im saying is they are running out of options to get further speed bumps. something just doesnt smeel right going to a new process and...
  10. F

    The Register Follow up article

    why thanks ulrik :D did ya miss me :D
  11. F

    The Register Follow up article

    well actually i was just saying it was funny(you lot take things to seriously and have no sense of humour), you know what i dont really care if you think im a troll cos i really lost confidence in this forum ages ago- they dont actually believe in free speech- just thought id pop in to see how...
  12. F

    Wait, what the..!?! (New PowerMac processor double-take)

    no mate you are misunderstanding it, if they have had to use SOI just to reach 1Gig, they are pretty much running out of options let alone have loads of head room, quite a few of the hardware review sites think the same.
  13. F

    The Register Follow up article

    Well you have to admit that was pretty good, the crapping in your kitchen bit, probably true too.
  14. F

    Cool huh ?

    Ulrik Yeap have to agree, implementation through a nice BSD core is pretty nifty :D
  15. F

    Cool huh ?

    Snyper M Windows NT had protected memory and symmetric multiprocessing Years ago let alone WinXP.
  16. F

    Why does such a small % of the population use Macs?

    NLP is a way of communicating effectively with people, the objective being you the user of NLP being able to make the other person always agree with you etc. (It also has a place in brain washing in the military etc) It works by analysing people's PTS (Prefered thinking Styles) e.g. Visual...
  17. F

    Why does such a small % of the population use Macs?

    dlookus When you say visual learners are you a user of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) or is it just a coincidence you used visual as a description. I ask cos i myself am just getting into NLP and find it quite interesting.
  18. F

    Why does such a small % of the population use Macs?

    Ive just taken the test it's quite good. I know a mac user, i can agree with you he goes against the grain and doesnt really care what people think of him. You get what you see basically.
  19. F

    What do you think about the new iMac?

    I agree ulrik, you really miss your scroll when its taken away from you, its just mundane things like scrowling a document in Word or a webpage in IE etc etc. That right button really helps in games though, secondary fire in UT, Q3 :D
  20. F

    What do you think about the new iMac?

    Yeap it certainly did pay of Ed :D OSX is gonna be sweet on one of those beasts, i still cant believe Apple really hit the sweet spot with this new imac. There is only one thing im gonna change on that imac when i get it and thats the mouse. I like my Microsoft Optical Intelimouse...