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  1. sirstaunch

    Imovie 5 Sound?

    If you are refering that it stutters or even disappears at edit points, then what you need to do is extract the audio, you will see that under one of the menu items, then that will copy the audio and use the copied track for smoother playback ;)
  2. sirstaunch

    " Tracking " software?

    if you have your finder windows set as sidebar view, when you select the application you get some details which has, last opened with the date and time ;)
  3. sirstaunch

    Adding a Watermark to a Video

    This looks like it does it Miyu 0.9.5. Not sure about transparency with it though Went looking for something else I once tried, can't remember what it was but it was shareware anyhow and Miyu is free :D
  4. sirstaunch

    Professional and EASY web building software for OSX?

    Yep, when I read the topics heading I dived into this thread with Rapidweaver on my mind and about ScreenCastsOnline tutorials. If you look at ScreenCastsOnline web site, that was all made on Rapidweaver So simple to use, for example, to make a photo gallery choose a iPhoto album from the...
  5. sirstaunch

    iTunes and refreshing artwork in Party Shuffle?

    If you have "Now Playing" selected it will change the art work per song, if the song or album has no art work, then the box would be empty
  6. sirstaunch

    Best Mac Usenet Reader

    I use Thoth and like it. And that wasn't free neither ;(
  7. sirstaunch

    Wayne's World v Dumb & Dumber

    Loved Withnail and I, whithnail reminded me of someone I knew LOL And of course breakfast Club Breaking Away John Cleese in Clockwork um, better stop here.......
  8. sirstaunch

    Wayne's World v Dumb & Dumber

    Adding more * Ferris Buellers day off * (at a loss of the title here) about a group of youth who go off to see a KISS concert, loose there tickets and do crazy things to get into the concert etc - announcing on a PA system at his mothers campaign against Rock Music that he lost his Virginity...
  9. sirstaunch

    A Battery exploded in my digital camera

    Then if you open it and loose say a screw or something to put it back together, it's almost impossible to find a replacement screw for it, so be cautious ;)
  10. sirstaunch

    What Causes a DVD to Get Stuck?

    Was the DVD in use by another application?
  11. sirstaunch

    Unable to find " classic "

    You will need to install OS9 Classic to run it If you don't have a installer CD, you can find one cheap enough on ebay
  12. sirstaunch

    2 OS ( 9 and x ) in one mac?

    I think that was once the case with early OSX, but now OS9 boots inside OSX Depending your machine too, new Machines won't boot on earlier OS's that came with what was pre-installed when you got it.
  13. sirstaunch


    Do they play normal speed in iTunes?
  14. sirstaunch

    Why is OSX so hopeless?

    Maybe God said he Posted a negative and his G5 went Kaphoof! But as fryke said, hehas a right to post etc... He must of been angry about his situataion and needed to get it out and writing is a good anger thing. If the original poster is reading this, don't feel a shame and ignore this thread...
  15. sirstaunch

    Probably a stooopid question...

    would you think that, hey by luck this app works on the intel? Like Thoth worked on both classic and OSX for example, or I'm just sorta, 'oh dah no way!"
  16. sirstaunch

    empty trash..

    Presuming you are on OSX10.4 there is the option of empty trash or Secure empty Trash And even more, go into Disk Utility and select erase, then erase free space. There is an option button for once over, 7 times over, and even 35 times over
  17. sirstaunch

    Security Check

    Hope this is the right spot, but this is a vunerability check on your OS, I did the Security update today so it passed on me so wonder if it happens on someone elses machine who hasn't updated. Should be harmless but I take no responsibility Be interesting to know if this test is real or not??
  18. sirstaunch

    Wayne's World v Dumb & Dumber

    the pity was that the Screen went worldwide before Saturdaynight Live sketches did, so people were a bit ignorant of that and thouht of it as a Hollywood flick without even knowing of Mike Myers input into the movie. And I'm sure it's still the same, Saturdaynight Live is only played on PayTv...
  19. sirstaunch

    Any way to force read badly scratched CDs?

    I've heard that if ya freeze the CD with the toothpaste and then clean it off, after it's defrosted I guess, it removes the scratches ¿¿¿¿