Search results

  1. edX

    Age differences and relations

    there is only one peice of advice for prolonged, long distance relationships. they don't work. at least not often enough to be statistically significant. yes, some do beat the odds, but there are more things working against the relationship than for it. people who are apart are changing and if...
  2. edX

    Member Ignore

    thank you Nat. if we could just get you guys to ignore the inflammatry statements made by some, then we wouldn't have to do it. but too many people are too easily sucked into the trap and soon it becomes a lot of work to moderate. and keep in mind, that once a member is banned - that's...
  3. edX

    Age differences and relations

    i've been with the same woman for what will be 12 years this saturday. she is still 10 years older than me. it's funny how that's never changed. i kept thinking i would catch up with her :D all i can say is that no one has ever helped me to realize more of who i am and how to go about being...
  4. edX

    profile picture

    click on your name and view profile. your profile pic is right there as it should be. perhaps what you want is an avatar - the pic below your username during posts. that is a seperate pic and needs to be uploaded from a seperate preference. :)
  5. edX

    Search Length Restrictions Are Too Strict

    searching anywhere is an art. here you just need to be more of an artist when hunting for some things. i just tried googling for "outdoor power extension" and wasted an hour hunting thru sites with nothing like what i wanted. finally i ran across what i wanted and re-searched using "power stake"...
  6. edX

    Café overload

    this is what happens when apple goes too long without giving us something real to talk about. we all get a little irritable about one thing or another. like tommy said, at one point we put a lot of time and effort into creating a vast array of forums that would fit just about every subject...
  7. edX

    Ditaction Software

    yea, it comes with the mic. in fact, it seems to only work properly with the mic provided.
  8. edX

    Ditaction Software

    take a look at this thread - you can also do your own site search for viavoice and find other threads on this software. the important thing to keep in mind is that it isn't going to work great right out of the box. it...
  9. edX

    Return from Hiatus

    hmm, all the strawberries i eat have points at the end. no, these look like apples to the trained eye. :) :D
  10. edX

    Return from Hiatus

    hi Simone!! good to hear from you. i hope all is well with you and that you drop back in a little more often. lots has happened, but the most lasting cool thing is these little apple smilies. :) :) :)
  11. edX

    Safari churning my hard drive like hell

    not neccesarily. safari needs lots of space for caching and temp story files. it's constantly writing and rewriting, something not every program does. 1 gb of free space is not enough to properly run osx on any size HD. 15% free space is the reccomended amount. you may just need more free space...
  12. edX

    how do you create a check box using appleworks?

    actually, the only one i found was using web dingbats and typing c. but thanks for your answer. it put me on the right track and i found what i was looking for.
  13. edX

    how do you create a check box using appleworks?

    thanks gdekadt!! i knew it must be a simple and yet not glaringly obvious solution.
  14. edX

    how do you create a check box using appleworks?

    ok, my lady is making some forms for work and needs to add check boxes to some choices for answers. i have found the circles that you can type (using key caps) but i haven't been able to figure out how to make the little boxes. any help here would be appreciated.
  15. edX

    HD spindown.

    you also might try going to versiontracker and getting "Spindown fix" which will run a script to keep externals from spinning down.
  16. edX

    Let's play fantasy baseball

    good. welcome back. :)
  17. edX

    Macutopia instead of

    hey, even i fell for the mactopia prank. scott had given me no warning either and i was as big a sucker as anybody - even sending him an email wondering if we had been hacked. :p
  18. edX

    Let's play fantasy baseball

    no, don't leave!! come back!! i just published us as an open league at yahoo and invited other mac users to join. i would have done this sooner but i've been working alot lately. baseball is a very long season. it's no big deal if we miss the first week of it or even 2. of course other site...
  19. edX

    Where is Octane?

    let me be more clear - mods and admins do make mistakes from time to time. we have bad days like anybody else. being human has its price after all. :D but we try to work things out and learn from our mistakes as well as yours. try to give us the same second and third chances that we give most...
  20. edX

    Where is Octane?

    i had no problems with the actions taken by other mods. for one, i think it was a good idea to close this thread when it was. it gave things a chance to calm down and for me to be made fully aware of what was happening before it went any further. my mods are also under strict orders not to...