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  1. edX

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    saw an apple laptop on the District saturday nite. it belonged to an internet developer who lost his fortune and so kidnapped his own daughter to bilk his brother-in-law out of a million dollars in ransom money.
  2. edX

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    "the boy" on 8 Simple Rules has an imac with isight and does webcasts from his bedroom with them.
  3. edX

    Techtool 4 bootable cd??

    ok, if you are asking how to make an illegal copy of techtool pro, then you are in violation of site rules and will find your account quickly closed. if you are asking how to use the mountable emergency disk in techtool pro, then be more specific.
  4. edX

    bad attitude...

    uh, like where? the most i see is a sarcastically witty, but not exactly personal, comment from fryke that he then apologized for even saying. unless i'm missing something here, please point out a truly personal attack next time.
  5. edX

    two nasty problems - HELP!!!

    yea, it's not the disk space. short of running diskwarrior or techtool pro 4, i'm out of ideas for the moment. but i also haven't slept for 24 hrs because of work, so that might not mean much. :)
  6. edX

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    actually, there is a pic of the real me to be found by googling. but you have to use my real name and not my aka. it is circa mid 1990's. look for ed what's his name. :D
  7. edX

    Once a year chance to change your username

    yea, sorry i forgot to close this thread. now it's closed.
  8. edX

    two nasty problems - HELP!!!

    how much free disk space do you have? a certain amount of 'memory' is used from the disk space, especially if you are using only 256 physical memory. if this free space is rather small, you can get these kinds of problems. i would run into issues like yours whenever i let my old 10gb drive get...
  9. edX

    two nasty problems - HELP!!!

    we probably need alot more info - like what version of osx and 9, your hardware setup (including ram amount and printer), any particular places this occurs (like printing pics and not text docs), etc. also, just as a general first thing to do, try repairing your permissions with disk utility.
  10. edX

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    well, no offense, but in that pick you look closer to 'something' than to 30. i like the pic. it's a semi candid shot that shows as much of what you do as what you look like. at any rate, let me say wlecome to since you've only been here since january. :)
  11. edX

    Let's play fantasy baseball

    i did mine in safari. i had some problems copying my list to my teams in other leagues after i had saved it, but when i did them one at a time, even that worked fine.
  12. edX

    Freakin' Mac Security Update Screwed Up Panther!!!

    try repairing your permissions at some point. trying to install on a srewed up system is just asking for trouble. sounds more like you've got something screwed up than that the update is screwed up.
  13. edX

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    it's cool to see posting to this thread again. total konfusion looks alot like sogni. and it's good to see another 'not 20 something face' speedfreak.
  14. edX

    Let's play fantasy baseball

    welcome to all!! we have 4 teams so far. we'll draft on march 25 or shortly after we have 12 teams - whichever comes first. i'll be sure to give a couple of days notice in this thread before i set us draft ready. in the meantime, i suggest you pre-rank your draft order. with the new drag and...
  15. edX

    Let's play fantasy baseball

    yea, win or lose, it is just fun. especially if you like baseball. or want to learn more about baseball.
  16. edX

    Let's play fantasy baseball

    i don't remember. maybe. maybe not. :D
  17. edX

    Let's play fantasy baseball

    You are hereby invited to join edX's fantasy baseball league in Yahoo! Sports Fantasy Baseball. In order to join the league, just go to, click the "Sign Up Now" or "Get Another Team" button and follow the links to "Join a Custom League". When...
  18. edX

    bad attitude...

    to report a post, click on the button with the exclamation mark in the lower left hand corner of the post you wish to report. all the moderators of that forum will receive a copy of it.
  19. edX

    bad attitude...

    we have rules here about certain kinds of posting behaviors. being antagonistic and belittling other members are definitly against them. taking a thread in a tangential direction is not. if you find a specific post (or set of posts) that violates our rules, please report it to a moderator. if...