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  1. edX

    General Maintenance?

    regular maintainance is an important part of maintaining any computer - even a mac. regularly repairing permissions using disk utility is step one. running the crons on a periodic basis is number 2. i prefer Maintain1 (also known as Maintain Your Mac) because it's free and loaded with plenty of...
  2. edX

    Replacement internal ATA hard drive follow that link for instructions on replacing the drive. i just did it with my 400 last sunday. yes, you can clone and then clone back but just about as easy and maybe a bit better is to install...
  3. edX

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    actually that stargate episode sounds like the previews for this friday's episode here in the states. ipods were mentioned, not shown, on last nite's NCIS
  4. edX

    Hey LaCie, where the hell are my 16GB's ??? :mad:

    drives use a certain percentage for formatting. this includes the volume info. so to be able to keep track of a certain amount of usable space, it needs to have a certain amount of format space. the larger the drive the larger the format space. what's so hard to figure about that? you haven't...
  5. edX

    Please test our new game for Mac

    ok, this version works. the color changes look great - maybe not as 'colorful', but certainly easier to distinguish. i still think letting people choose thier own colors would be a good idea though. i'll report back with more after i've played it a bit.
  6. edX

    Please test our new game for Mac

    ok, i had both versions mounted at the same time. so i trashed the original and now the beta 2d version will not start up. it attempts to launch, the music starts (which i had turned off before), and then i get the 'unexpectedly quit' message.
  7. edX

    Please test our new game for Mac

    i'm not sure i understand what you mean by 'install'. it's drag and drop. yes, i downloaded and used beta #2 and it has not reset. i've actually been running them off their dmg disks rather than moving them to my applications folder since i knew they were temporary. that shouldn't make a...
  8. edX

    Please test our new game for Mac

    well, i guess my beta testing days are over. the last one did not update my expiration date - it suddenly quit in the middle of a game and then relaunched as expired. conisdering i was on level 11 i was not very happy. not very friendly to your beta testers. this is a beta, right?
  9. edX

    Please test our new game for Mac

    i already have music disabled. so there would seem to be an additional leak as well. like i said, not a real major one, but annoying just the same. and it would make it a beta of a demo. :D will download the new one and see how it goes.
  10. edX

    I love the new hover feature!!!!

    well, i'm still in jag and it simply doesn't work for me. i could leave the cursor over a link for hours and it wouldn't happen. no such phenomenon here.
  11. edX

    I love the new hover feature!!!!

    must be part of your browser - not happening to me with safari. or maybe a panther only thing?
  12. edX

    Please test our new game for Mac

    made level 14 with 5 colors the very first time i played this game. was way too easy. it took me several tries to get past level 1 in 7 colors at first though. in fact, i think level 1 is often one of the hardest. if i get past it, i can reach level 6-9 pretty quickly. if it will make you...
  13. edX

    Please test our new game for Mac

    sorry, i somehow missed your reply sergey. i've been playing quite a bit actually. very adictive game. my best so far is level 19, 34,743 pts with the default 7 colors. my specs are in my sig. other things i've noticed - sometimes i click one and have 2 fire out - the one behind it goes...
  14. edX

    2004 Contributions - It Begins!

    i'm guessing about 1/4 to 1/3 of that should about cover arden's bandwidth usage. notice i said 'about'.
  15. edX

    The Official EdX fanclub

    hey, i don't know about the rest of you but i can read arden's posts and still ignore them. :D ;)
  16. edX

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    arden, hace you ecer heard the orignial version of heroin? or any of the live versions? it's a long song. btw - haven't had a chance to listen yet but have them on the desk top for when i find the appropriate time. thanks for sharing ken!
  17. edX

    The Official EdX fanclub

    i am not leet. do not ever describe me in that style language. that is not me. :rolleyes: as for the whole premise of this thread, thanks. but now most of you should go to the mirror and wipe that brown smudge off your nose. and i'm with groucho and randman. :) oh, and hi dave. :wavey:
  18. edX

    Is nobody else disappointed with MWSF?

    not only was i dissappointed with the announcements, i was even more disappointed in the experience. i just got back from this year's day at MWSF and it was pitiful. Registration was sponsered by m$ so that gives you some idea how crappy the procedure for getting in was for starts. much...
  19. edX

    VB3 RC2 Now Online - Fixed Many Things

    sure does. HOORAY!! :)