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  1. Biff

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    I wish we could tear off the menu bar in OS X like you can in Rhapsody. That would be so neat.
  2. Biff

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    I was finally able to get Rhapsody to install :D Sorry for the crummy screenshot.
  3. Biff

    some more OS X 10.2 screenshots..;

    6B11 is very old. I am surprised no new builds have leaked out over the last few weeks.
  4. Biff

    ibook battery life

    I don't notice this with my iBook. My battery lasts a little over 4 hours with both OS 9 and 10. One main reason the battery may not last as long in OS X is because OS X needs more power to run. The genie effect, dock magnification, quartz, all use the processor heavily. You didn't have that...
  5. Biff

    Quiet hard drive for iBook?

    The iBook can only use a 9.5 mm high drive. I looked into the 5400 RPM travelstars but I believe they are all 12 mm and ontop of that very $$$$. I already bought a new one. The 30 GB travelstar with fluid bearings so that should make the world of a difference.
  6. Biff

    Quiet hard drive for iBook?

    It is still under warranty but IBM told me that it was perfectly acceptable for a drive to become noiser after 6 months of use. They told me their warranty does not cover wear from usage. In the end it would probably be easier to get a new one. The one I am using now does not have fluid bearings.
  7. Biff

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    That won't happen unless we can get the disk images out to people.
  8. Biff

    Quiet hard drive for iBook?

    My iBook gets a lot of use and I upgraded the hard drive from 10 GB to a 20GB IBM Travelstar HD when I first bought it. Things were going great until recently. The drive is so noisy now that I cannot stand it. I can hear it loud and clear from 20 feet away. It sounds like the bearings are...
  9. Biff

    Do you like the dock?

    I like it myself however it needs more work. I think that one dock for running applications and their minimized windows and another dock for storage of recently used applications/folders would be a good idea. This would be the same idea behind the NeXT style dock. With all that more user control...
  10. Biff

    Do you like the dock?

    I have heard a lot of mixed feelings about the dock. What do you think of it?
  11. Biff

    10.1.3 Observation....

    With 10.1.3 everytime I login the screen goes grey for a few seconds. I also noticed that scrolling seems to be better for me.
  12. Biff

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    What is Yellow Box?
  13. Biff

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    Finally I can play my favourite NeXT App on my iBook....
  14. Biff

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    There are two seperate disks. One for intel and one for PPC.
  15. Biff

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    JohnnyV: When you are done please post your results.
  16. Biff

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    Two things you need to check. Go into the settings for the PC and click on CD/DVD. Make sure "Standard IDE configuration" is unchecked. Second while installing Rhapsody you will be presented with a a list of options to choose drivers. Choose "Primary/Secondary(Dual) EIDE/ATAPI Device...
  17. Biff

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    Can someone explain to me how to deal with the FDISK_Menu problem that comes up. I typed in 1 and when it responded ready I typed in 1 again. Then it says "Going" for a while. After about 5 minutes I get a kernal panic. I am sure between everyone here we can get this working.
  18. Biff

    first mac?

    I used to be a real hardcore PC fan until I actually gave Apple a chance to prove that their OS was surperior to Windows. I knew within seconds of turning on my first mac that things would be better. It all started three years ago with a PowerMac 6100/60 AV
  19. Biff

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    This should give you an idea of what type of PC you can install Rhapsody on
  20. Biff

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    That server sure isn't the fastest on the planet. I don't think I could wait 30 hours for Rhapsody! :D