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  1. Veljo

    Apple waiting on Blu-ray...any thoughts or opinions?

    Say for instance the next MacBook Pro contained a Blu-Ray writable drive...would it be easy to throw on of those into an older Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro? I don't see why not if the form factor is similar.
  2. Veljo

    Bye Bye Universal TV on iTunes

    Looks like Apple's iTunes collection is beginning to crumble. I know this will hurt them as a lot of customers will see it as a major disadvantage, but the store is too strong now to lose much momentum. Hopefully in a few months these companies will regret their decisions and come grovelling...
  3. Veljo


    That's almost as bad as Easter here this year, they had Easter eggs in stores in February I think...
  4. Veljo

    Trouble making a backup copy of iWork '08

    So you've tried just hitting Copy in Toast and going that way?
  5. Veljo

    Apple event September 5th confirmed

    I'd definitely go with the possibility of the so-called iPod Touch, as I don't really see how Cover Flow would work with a click wheel. Sure you could spin it to move them along, but wouldn't that seem kind of strange? It makes sense at this stage to introduce multi-touch to the high end iPod...
  6. Veljo

    What's a Good Site for Animated Wallpapers for Mac OS X?

    There's something called Serene Desktop HD I think, but you have to buy backgrounds.
  7. Veljo

    The new iMac, HOLY COW

    It is kind of steep, I was going to customise my MacBook Pro and throw in 3GB RAM rather than 2 just for the hell of it, but at an extra cost of over $1000 I didn't think it was worth it.
  8. Veljo

    Cheap web hosting.
  9. Veljo

    Bobw Passed Away

    This is truly one of the saddest things I have had to absorb in recent times. I've been a member of this community for over four years now, and in that time I myself, as well as thousands of others have benefited from the helpful advice bobw always had to offer. His contribution to this site...
  10. Veljo

    QT 7.2 (fullscreen!), iTunes 7.3.1 released

    I'd love them to add a crop feature to QuickTime like VLC has, then I can set it to 16:10 and watch things full screen.
  11. Veljo

    iPhone providers (international)

    Why such a long wait for Australia? It should have been pretty much a worldwide launch; lots of Australians are gonna grab unlocked iPhones on eBay and use those when a hack is found.
  12. Veljo

    MacBook keyboard

    He's getting a replacement notebook apparently. Thanks anyway!
  13. Veljo

    MacBook keyboard

    A friend of mine just got a brand new MacBook delivered custom made, and periodically his K, I, 8, 0 and , keys (I think) don't work. Apple suggested he reset the PRAM which he did, then they work, then they randomly don't but a restart fixes the problem temporarily. Any ideas?
  14. Veljo is history

    Hehe I was wondering what was going on.
  15. Veljo

    Leopard Reviews

    Heh, I wish I could get my hands on a copy.
  16. Veljo

    MacBook Pro line updated

    I'm interested to know what kind of affect the new LED displays will have on battery life. As of now I get between 2-3 hours from my MacBook Pro depending on usage.
  17. Veljo

    Which one has the LED display?

    I think the gloss or matte is just the finish on top, so both should have the LED screen behind.
  18. Veljo

    Apple Store down, MacBook update

    Looks like I made the right decision — I bought a 2GHz/2GB RAM/80GB model for my girlfriend for her graduation, and seeing these rather minor updates makes me comfortable with my decision. She's not gonna use the extra 0.16GHz or 120GB hard drive, so it's all good. I'm actually glad I...
  19. Veljo

    Adobe Creative Suite 3

    To change the subject a little I've installed Photoshop CS3 Extended and I absolutely love it on my Intel Mac — it's super fast, super snappy and feels more complete than CS2. Very happy :)
  20. Veljo


    Seeing as I really respect the opinions of those who surf these forums, I thought I'd post a small question here and get your opinions. I want to buy a MacBook for my girlfriend for university as soon as possible, but I'm also considering waiting till mid year in case something better comes...