Search results

  1. Veljo

    Apple's new iMac 24"

    The 24" iMac was definitely unexpected, but a welcome update. All I'm really hoping for now is a Core 2 Duo update for the MacBook Pros, I've been waiting about 6 months for one and I can't wait any longer! :p
  2. Veljo

    The Menu Bar

    I think that without the static menubar at the top of the screen Mac OS would lose a bit of its personal identity. It's handy to know that no matter what you're doing the menu is in the same place, rather than at the top of an individual window. I would never want this to change.
  3. Veljo

    WWDC 2006 keynote

    They site you're looking for won't usually appear until they've put the clip up. There'll be a link to it on this forum soon enough. Just watch this topic ;)
  4. Veljo

    Intel Core 2 Duo is now introduced

    I'm guessing that the Mac Mini and MacBook will remain using the processors they're using now; hopefully the iMac and MacBook Pro receive this update at WWDC.
  5. Veljo

    Wireless Mighty Mouse

    Overall I think the original Mighty Mouse sucked, and this one does too. I think the whole touch sensitive button thing is terrible, and the scroll ball is absolutely shocking. I've never used anything so flimsy and small in my whole life.
  6. Veljo

    MacBook Pro, Hot Hot Hot

    Well there's one thing you can do — take it to an Apple store and get them to fix up the mess Apple made with the MacBook Pro's thermal paste which'll no doubt be smeared all over the place. Too much thermal paste reduces its effectiveness when transferring heat, meaning it'll run hotter. It...
  7. Veljo

    Could this be new Quicktime layout

    Are you talking about that dark grey bar at the bottom? That wouldn't be a new interface, it's been on the site for more than 6 months.
  8. Veljo

    'Hello I'm A Mac..'

    The Australian site doesn't have the ads either.
  9. Veljo

    Motorola RzrV3im & 100 song limit in itunes

    I'm pretty sure I read that those phones only have a 100 song limit, so there's a high chance that there's no way around it.
  10. Veljo

    How to convert a dvd to mp3 to ipod

    I stand with WireTap; used it for a few months now and find it flawless. Of course like adambyte mentioned it records everything, so if you're getting IMs, or you set an alert sound off they'll be included too. Your best bet would be to use something like HandBrake, then open the movie in...
  11. Veljo

    Getting special HTML characters to appear (♥)

    Are you trying to add these onto a web page? If you are, do a search in Google for a list of special characters and their reference codes, or try this link: If you're talking about using them in documents or when you IM someone...
  12. Veljo

    System Crashing

    Like Fryke said, try disconnecting everything from your computer except your keyboard and mouse, then see what happens. If it stops, then it's down to something you have connected. If it doesn't, then chances are it's something internal.
  13. Veljo

    'Hello I'm A Mac..'

    They're frustrating for users like myself, cause my Mac has huge difficulty scrolling on pages that have playing QuickTime movies. I hate it!
  14. Veljo

    Apple Refurbished?

    I haven't purchased one, but I'd assume that it's the same as buying a good condition used one that works fine.
  15. Veljo

    Front Row on older Macs

    I'm not sure if this has been done before (probably has), but has anyone here successfully installed Front Row onto an older Mac without a remote? I did tonight, and I must say it's something new and fun to play with until I get myself a new MacBook Pro. It runs surprisingly smooth as well on...
  16. Veljo

    OS X 10.5 System Requirements?

    While I don't think Apple will officially ditch G3s, I'm expecting Leopard to run like a dog on them; likewise on lower-end G4 machines.
  17. Veljo

    iMac Intel

    Personally I'd wait for the next iMac revision; I'm doing the same, only I'm waiting for the next MacBook Pro. Hopefully it appears next month, cause I need it to make a presentation for a 21st birthday!
  18. Veljo

    Turn Off Monitor

    You could always open your Energy Saver system preference, then set the 'put the display to sleep in' to 1 minute.
  19. Veljo

    WMP opens in Entourage

    You need to right-click/control-click on the file that you've downloaded, choose Get Info from the File menu, then under the Open With option select a program that will open your archive (most likely something like StuffIt Expander, assuming it's a .bin file). If you don't have StuffIt Expander...
  20. Veljo

    how to email font

    Your best bet would be to copy the font to your Desktop or another folder, then use a program to put it into a .zip, .sit or .rar file.