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  1. M

    A time for understanding after the attack on America

    Good on you Soapvox! I am in favour of careful, planned, surgical retaliation but it is good to see people standing up with what they believe in. That is what democracy is all about. If we loose sight of this, what are we fighting for? As an Australian know this: the response to this attack...
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    Response to the attacks on the US?

    Chapter five of the NATO agreement basically says "One in all in." Although the level of involvement is up to individual countries. This is unprecedented. It's not just NATO, China and Russia are pledging support for the effort. Also our Prime Minister (Australia) just invoked the ANZUS...
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    Anyone know how to adjust the Vitual Memory Page Files?

    I'm surprised that apple hasn't gone the standard *nix way of creating a swap partition (not the same as a partition with only a swap file on it!) and using a swap file as a backup if the partition isn't big enough. Or at least making it an option. It's not really a problem for me (512MB RAM)...
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    Funny Terminal burn in effect

    Yep. Those who got the Beta and fiddled with the transparency will remember that the whole window including the title and scroll bars went transparent. This new Terminal is more clever than that. Only the black background is translucent. Even the white text in the terminal is opaque. (Which...
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    Build errors

    It should create those folders as it builds the examples. The only thing I can think of is that maybe it doesn't have write access to the area. It's not on something read-only is it? Peter
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    Info Window Comments (Help Needed Urgently!)

    You can create both Foundation (Cocoa) and Carbon tools for the command line. If you're going to use Carbon then create a "standard tool" and go to Project - Add Framework and add the Carbon framework. Add #include <Carbon/Carbon.h> to the tops of your source files. This way the app won't be...
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    Cocoa Questions

    I've never tried to call a perl script but my guess is that you'd use NSTask to launch the perl interpreter and and pass the script's path as an argument. Have a look at the NSTask documentation. Peter
  8. M

    Background image in .dmg?

    AFAIK, the name of the file and the folder it's in is irrelevant, as long as it's invisible so that the user can't SEE it. Then select that file in the view options for that window as the background. Note: I haven't actually done this so it may not work but I have set a picture as the...
  9. M

    Using OpenGL: via NSView-Classes or still GLUT?

    The main advantage of glut is that it is very cross platform, so if you want to port your app use glut. If you want to use any of the niceties of Cocoa then use NSViews. Glut is a lot simpler if you just want to make a simple OpenGL app, you don't have to worry about Interface Builder and all...
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    Motion Desktop Pictures

    Yet another cool but fairly useless tip. Get SaverLab from This lets you watch the screen savers installed. Select one. Set the size to full screen from the window menu. Set it to back layer and there you go: instant motion background pictures. Note: This really chews...
  11. M

    Internet explorer bugs?

    Umm you are using OmniWeb 4.0cf3 aren't you? It is stable and fast for me. I gave up on the OSX version of IE because IT was too slow. One thing I've noticed is that mileage for all of OSX is really varying for different people. I wonder what is up with that. Some people saying X is slow and...
  12. M

    UNIX restore is missing and other things

    pppd. Where is it? This isn't something that apple "didn't get around to". It was in the Public Beta. Is there a replacement? And I don't meant Internet Connect! peter
  13. M

    Copy directories with tar

    tell me about it! Where is pppd. How does one connect from the command line. I've got the Darwin 1.3.1 binary and I'm wondering how is someone using it meant to connect? They don't have Internet Connect. Is there a replacement? peter
  14. M

    Ghost sytem folders

    reminds me of the time when I had the Public Beta and Startup Disk showed that I had 3 OS 9 system folders on my OSX disk. I only had one, my OS 9.0.4 Clasic system. I can't remember if they were greyed though (I think they were). Anyway mine stopped doing that with the final. Not really...
  15. M

    New iMacs

    Really, have a look at the new imacs in person and if you still don't want one, then well that your opinion. As for them being bad for apple's sales, my sister bought a 600MHz blue dalmatian so they have at least one customer :-) peter
  16. M ?

    thanks gumse. How did you get the ip? Just curious. peter
  17. M

    is osx a true unix system

    LOL! So if apple switched to it, they must have thought that the OS9 core was worse. After your post, that's unimaginable! Peter
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    new programmer for Mac OS X?

    I'll have to agree with strobe. I haven't used java but if it's anything like c++ I shudder to think! And I don't see the point of using java for cocoa unless you allready know that language. One of java's biggest strong points is its portability and if you use the cocoa API you basically...
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    Animated icons in the Dock.

    for all those interested it seems like you can update a programs icon by calling a single method: [NSApp setApplicationIconImage:anImage]; So it is fairly simple in cocoa at least. Anyone no if it is even possible in a carbon app? Peter
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    new programmer for Mac OS X?

    I don't have a clue. I was just reciting from the Dev docs! I think that late binding isn't the same as runtime binding though. late binding is put off until the link stage whereas runtime binding is put off until you actually go to send that object a message. You can't get much later than that...