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  1. M

    Classic TCP connections dont show under netstat...

    yeah we noticed that with the public beta. what happened was we were using OSX as a nat server but if classic was running it stoped working! My guess is that when apple says that you're running two OSes they mean it! Classic and OS X don't seem to share the same network stack. peter
  2. M

    What tools to carbonize?

    Now that you have carbon lib, you have to get rid of the interface lib in your project and include the stub library in your project. You also have to put #define TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON 1 at the top of your header file. Note: This may be all wrong because i've been using project builder to...
  3. M

    new programmer for Mac OS X?

    Well first, it was Next that picked (invented?) objC. The reason they didn't pick C++ was that it didn't have a lot of the features needed like runtime linking and stuff like that. Also C++ is very difficult to learn whereas, if you know C, objC can be learnt in days. Cocoa relies on the fact...
  4. M

    is osx a true unix system

    yeah we run into that crap all the time don't we. It isn't until you see a new user try to use a pc and watch as they press both buttons down and get nowhere. As for power users if they want a three button mouse, go to to any computer store, buy logitech 3 button with scroll wheel, take off...
  5. M

    OS X ON PC what if...

    I don't think apple should do it either. However, it may be useful to do a x86 port so that they could offer their own AMD/intel powered macs. I'm not suggesting that apple make PCs. I think it may be a possibility when the number of cocoa apps increases, to swap out the PPC, for a Duron for...
  6. M

    is osx a true unix system

    vihung is essentially correct. Macos X has quirks but it is a Unix. Linux technically is a Unix clone but all these things being open source (even darwin) the code from all of them has mixed. Basically if it calls itself a Unix and most CLI unix apps will compile on it then it is a Unix. Sort of...
  7. M

    Ohhh Yea...

    Helpful Hint: Sitck a "c" in the options to make it ps -caux and it will just display the program name instead of the path. peter
  8. M

    Animated icons in the Dock.

    Great idea! Animating stuff like this is one of the many excellent features of the dock that apple needs to take more advantage of. peter
  9. M

    What tools to carbonize?

    AFAIK it isn't important what version of code warrior you have, its what version of the universal headers you have, which you can download from apple's developer connection site. You may have trouble if your code warrior is very old though. How old is it...
  10. M

    Virtual desktops

    Quick question. Is writing virtual desktops (real ones not's hiding apps) even possible for someone outside of apple? I would of thought that without the window server, core graphics source you'd be basically screwed. Won't this be yet another thing that only apple can implement, if it...
  11. M

    has anyone ported g77?

    nope wasn't the -lm. I emailed the guy who ported it and he said the binary I downloaded was the public beta version. The one that works with the final is the one that says cvs..... anyway here's the link Just su...
  12. M

    OS X ON PC what if...

    Nice points Hardy. Apple would have to provide some sort of classic environment for windows apps and something similar to carbon. Apple would also probably (if at all) release the port when there is already significant apps available for OS X. Some people seem to think it would require some...
  13. M

    4L7 same as 4L13

    Well that must have been one hell of a property list then! ;) peter
  14. M

    Suggestion to All

    Configuring MacOSX from the command line is harder than most Unices because instead of plain text config files OSX uses netinfo, something I know nothing about. But then again I'm a mac user ;) peter
  15. M

    Stealth Vs Closed Ports

    Thanks for the info! I guess I just assumed that a closed port was what you say a stealth port is. Now, here's the other question - Why have closed ports and not stealth ports? I would have though that it was easier to send no response. I would have thought that the closed port was the...
  16. M

    Human Interface Standards, the Dock and More...

    Yes I too like efficiency. That's way I recently set System Preferences, Preview, TextEdit and the Terminal to load on startup and hide. With System Preferences when you're done changing stuff just close the window, instead of quitting. Next time you need it click on it in the dock and it...
  17. M

    has anyone ported g77?

    wait. did you say that you couldn't get g77 to compile? He has binary downloads. peter
  18. M

    has anyone ported g77?

    wjllope, I think I was having the same problem you are. Try copying the libg2c.a file from /usr/local/lib to /usr/lib. My guess is that somehow ld couldn't find it. Now, problem, I can compile a simple program but it chokes on one using the sqrt function?? Missing math library? peter
  19. M

    MultiThread Communication

    It's in the Interapplication Communication -> distributed objects section of the cocoa docs. Specifically, NSConnection and NSPort. In fact, the NSConnection docs have a fair bit of sample code for communicating between threads. peter
  20. M

    OmniWeb Question

    I really hope apple makes it easy to implement a System Prefs style preference panel. Omnigroup did a great job but you can see that they couldn't get the smooth flow when you drag something in the favorites bar because they had to do everything themselves. Most developers won't go to the...