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  1. M

    C compiler not working

    if you only have one source file and you don't want to link to frameworks etc then calling cc form the command line is fairly simple. cc -o (output app name) (source file name).c peter [for those that thought that I had it wrong, i didn't. I used greater than and less than sybols, sorry...
  2. M

    Compile AltiVec code in OS X?

    I agree. Apple wants developers to start using altivec, G4 faster than a Pentium 4 etc, but they really need to put out more info on it. The best docs I've found are at apple's Velocity Engine homepage at peter
  3. M

    Classic Applications Not Launching!

    I know its a bit of a cliche but try reinstalling 9.1, sounds like something got corrupted. Although if you can boot into in it may be OK. Maybe OSX is picky? peter
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    Stealth Vs Closed Ports

    AFAIK if a port is closed nothing can use it so it can't be used to hack in. I don't have a clue what stealth ports are though. :) peter
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    Human Interface Standards, the Dock and More...

    ahaig, stop speaking for everyone. I LIKE the dock, and the current menu system in OSX. I don't want apple to change the stuff you say. Maybe there are more people with my point of view than yours. Apple got a lot of feedback during the beta and if they thought it would piss off a significant...
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    Compile AltiVec code in OS X?

    rob, Just an update, you don't need the vecLib framework after all. It adds convenience funtions and stuff like that. all you need is the switch. also I'm not ahead of you, I couldn't get anything to work until you told me about the -faltivec switch. And just like you I'm still copying and...
  7. M

    Silly Dock Trick

    Wheeee! I noticed this before but still: Wheeee! peter
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    Compile AltiVec code in OS X?

    Thank you rob! the -faltivec switch does the trick. I think that the thing were doing differently is that you're not adding the vecLib Framework to your project. By the way add that -faltivec to the OTHER_CFLAGS in Expert build settings. peter
  9. M

    OS X and Region

    Actually you don't even have to restart. Any new applications you launch will be in the new language. To make finder change just logout and back in again. peter
  10. M

    This OS is not ready...

    Now I may have been bashing OS X final lately but i do think it will be great very shortly. The point apple is trying to make is that you CAN'T get preemptive multitasking into OS 9. it's core just wasn't designed to support it. Ditto for protected memory and symmetric multiprocessing. Copland...
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    Does it really scream on a g3?! On our G4 450 it runs slower than the public beta! What happened to all those altivec optimisations we were promised? For the time being, until we all get Quad 1.2 Ghz machines, would apple please let us go back to outline resizing and non-live scrolling, just...
  12. M

    This OS is not ready...

    > beta Tell me about it. But beta is a bit harsh to the public beta. I _never_ had a kernel panic in the Public Beta. After using the final for about 2 hours i have had 2!!! Here's what i did: connect to idisk, go to mac osx software, try to download screen saver, system locks up (all...
  13. M

    ./confgure --host=

    in the PB if you typed "cp /usr/libexec/config* ." it would copy the special guess files that apple whipped up. Then try ./configure again, no options. Note that last period is significant. I don't if these files still exit in the final. Of course before you try all that make sure you have...
  14. M

    I simple OS X question.

    Well, we have OS 9.1 on our 30 gig drive and MacOS X PB on our 20 gig drive. apples new startup disk control panel (the one in 9.1) has no probllem switching and will even let you pick what system folder on the same disk to boot off. peter
  15. M

    OS X and Region

    Yep, apple's developer docs also say that there are firms who will translate your program for you. So the programmer doesn't have to know 6 languages. As long as the app is well writen, it could easily be localised for as many languages as OS X will support. This will all make OS X the most...
  16. M

    Objective-C for Programming 102?

    yeah, thinking about it, what endian said is probably easier. I just said how I did it. (I learnt C before I knew objC existed.) peter
  17. M

    Objective-C for Programming 102?

    firstly learn C. both C++ and objC are based on it. Also C is a good language in itself. Now once you know C, objC takes about a couple of days to get the hang of. Of course learning the cocoa API is going to take longer. C++ will probably take you a lot longer, but it is still worth learning...
  18. M

    All Hail SillyBalls!

    Ok it was a joke and i don't apologise for jokes :) Actually my first encounter with mac programming (and first C program) was looking through the silly balls source code too. peter
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    Rootless X Free on MacOSX

    yeah i realised that just after I posted. Apple isn't going to want to give up any of their secrets but it would be good if they would give GNUStep a bit more help. The last thing we want is for them not to be almost totally compatible. Think about it: apps finally getting ported to GNUStep and...
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    Has anyone got OS X's Net Boot to work? Does it work? Just asking because I found in the /etc/hostconfig file "NETBOOTSERVER=-NO-". After looking at the StartupItems folder I found that the script is IPServices. and you have to turn CONFIGSERVER=-NO- on as well. anyone got more info? The man...