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  1. M

    All Hail SillyBalls!

    well theoretically simple code like that written for yellow box should work because yellow box is just what cocoa was called in rhapsody. Also the speed is crap. I think this is a OS X problem though. Silly balls on OS 9 monopolizes the CPU and on our G4 450 the balls fly on full screen...
  2. M

    Rootless X Free on MacOSX

    yeah, you're right. Like I said I don't want permanent X Windows in OS X and I don't want it built in. But a download on apples site for people who want more apps on OS X. Although now I see your point. if X windows is ported to mac osx and apps compile OK then they will never be ported to...
  3. M

    Netscape for X?

    Netscape 6 sucks. I only use netscape comm. 4.7 for email (will switch to Mail but it feels a little rough still). I was using IE 5 in OS X and OmniWeb occasionally but thankfully IE somehow died. I tried deleting prefs etc. I was forced to use OmniWeb, now I love it. They are really trying...
  4. M

    All Hail SillyBalls!

    hey yeah bo3b. I didn't notice it before and why isn't the text centred. I would of thought that it would almost be a copy and paste from the classic version. What's with the changes, did they rewrite it or something? peter
  5. M

    Rootless X Free on MacOSX

    wow, you really know your stuff. I'm with you i don't really want x windows in all its ugliness but how many program do you think will actually be ported to GNU step? For the time being I would like a quick job done by apple so that we can use more apps. Think about it, classic is far from...
  6. M

    Rootless X Free on MacOSX

    I agree. If apple were to take over the project, I doubt it would take them long to create xlibs that use aqua and make it more like classic ie. a supporting application, maybe a backgroud application like TruBluEnvironment and having xwindows windows alongside aqua windows. Dock support would...
  7. M

    Rootless X Free on MacOSX

    damn. Can anyone else help? anyone got it working? peter
  8. M

    Rootless X Free on MacOSX

    phule, I've got the lastest version of XonX and i've got that to work with afterstep pretty reliably but I can't get the aqua version you're linking to to work. twm just puts up blank black windows and afterstep bugs out saying something like AfterStep: internal error Request 72...
  9. M

    X windows on os x

    I don't know if anyone has noticed this before but type man open, its a way of opening things from the command line as if you had double clicked it, it understands bundles etc. anyway, one if its options is: " -NXHost opens the file on the specified host (if its win- dow...
  10. M

    GUI Suggestions (screenshot)

    umm no. I'm an advanced user, i've been porting unix apps, developing in cocoa etc, and the dock is not simply for beginners. I suggest to everyone who doesn't like the dock, force yourself to use it for a couple of days. I hated it at first, after the cuteness of it wore off but a couple of...
  11. M

    New iMacs

    > why still use G3 processors ? Simple, because of the cost. Apple is trying really hard to get the cost of the imacs down. They figure that a lot of imac users will be first timers and they don't need that much power. The imacs aren't that slow anyway. BTW, i've used one of the new blue...
  12. M


    I don't know about your specific printer but we have a Epson stylus 760 and so far OS X supports USB printers but good luck getting drivers for them. This should change when it goes final. peter
  13. M

    root can't delete locked files

    "just map the file inspector checkbox to do that. " the problem with that is what if you goto that file on OS 9. They should just make OS X treat any lock bit as a no write permission for non-root users. I consider not being able to delete locked files as root a bug in OS X and no more. peter
  14. M

    porting 'NIX software

    since apple already has two APIs for OSX, Carbon and Cocoa, would it be very hard to also have the x windows libs? I don't know much about such things but couldn't you, after porting X, just create an aqua theme instead of gnome or kde and have all three running together? Or are there...
  15. M

    4K29 section

    Yeah I agree. A dock on the side would be useful. Screens are wider than they are high and most widows are vertical so there is much more room on the side. Was the 4k17 side dock thing unstable? i mean that would be a reason for apple to temporarily remove it. I hope it's in the final. p940e...
  16. M


    where did you get mpg321. I wouldn't mind giving it a try peter
  17. M

    porting 'NIX software

    I've basically got the same problem as you do. The only things i've been able to compile are command line things like lynx. peter
  18. M

    4K29 section

    Stop complaining. 4K29 wasn't meant to be a general purpose os for going on the net with. It is meant for developers to make sure their programs haven't broken in the later builds and so make sure they will work in the final. If you're not a developer and have a leaked copy then be happy with...
  19. M

    Does sleep work with OSX?

    thanks I assumed it was my scsi card not letting the PCI bus go into low power mode (In OS 9 it displayed a warning when I tried.) Now I don't have to worry about removing it peter
  20. M


    nope. I can't even get it to do a generic build. it doesn't use the standard ./configure so apples config.guess is useless. If anyone gets it working I'd love to hear about it. This is one of the few unix things i've tried that failed to compile. The other was gcc. peter