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  1. M

    help, help, need a little help

    I couldn't find it at the path you mentioned. I can't think why the login panel would have an about box. Why do you want to change it? peter
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    Installing Mac OSX

    which unix filesystems are you refering to? OS X supports UFS which is Unix File System. Ok, now to agree with you: they need to provide support for the linux filesystem, which I assume is what you're refering to? It's silly to have to use dos disks to carry files from a linux box to a macosx...
  3. M

    hiding directories from users - huh?

    me too. I don't think that TextEdit would really screw up the files (as long as you save as plain text) but i figure that if i'm editing the unix config files, I should use a unix text editor. I only learnt enough emacs to create new, open and edit files and quit with and without saving, which...
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    X requirements

    I'm not sure about early powerbook G3s but I think it'll work on any G3. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. People have got it working on beige G3 so it should be fine. Apple is using a rev. B iMac 233 as its OSX benchmark system. Their goal is to get it working well on that system. As your...
  5. M

    Installing Mac OSX

    Good idea. UFS will just cause you problems because it doesn't support resource forks. This means that Classic apps and OS 9 itself will not work on a UFS drive. Plus your OS 9 system won't be able to see it. I've had OS X installed on a second HFS+ drive with OS 9 on the other and i've had no...
  6. M

    hiding directories from users - huh?

    besides logging in as root all those directories are hidden. Do you really want to see the /var, /bin, /etc, etc? As far as i'm concerned those folders (bin, sbin etc) are where CLI programs are kept so I have no problem using the Terminal to access them. All the GUI OSX apps are in the...
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    Getting Apache webserver to run on OS X PB

    >PHP has to be configured into apache. As far as I can see >there is no way yet to have apache run with >dynamic modules/apxs Do you mean Configured in at compile time? If that's what you meant you are wrong. The proxy module is a dynamically loaded module and you can get it to work by...
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    Getting Apache webserver to run on OS X PB

    yep ben's right. as long as cgis are in the CGI-Executables folder and are flagged executable by the www user (or just all) it should work. However, i'm pretty sure that for PHP you have to turn on the php module which is off by default. peter
  9. M

    Terminal Services

    Basically yes. Terminal services yet you pipe the selection (whether text or a file) to a commend line UNIX program and get the result. This is all very powerful but I got the impression that it wasn't finished in the public beta. Some applications don't support them (eg. the Desktop). peter
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    Getting Apache webserver to run on OS X PB

    Ok you're starting to step out of my expertise now but the main configuration file is /Library/WebServer/Configuration/apache.conf This is a HUGE file but it is well commented. If you want PHP you have to activate the PHP module which you do by uncommenting a couple of things in the config...
  11. M

    virtual pc for carbon

    >Somebody mentioned they wouldn't want thier >Grandmother to use a system with different OS >windows inter-mingling. And the same end-user won't >have a problem switching from the current VPC and >back? Good Point. Basically, from what everyone is saying on this post it is...
  12. M

    Getting Apache webserver to run on OS X PB

    Just go to system preferences, Network, Services and turn apache on. You don't need to compile it, it's included. Then point a web browser at localhost and you'll see the default page, this tells you its working. peter
  13. M


    thanks. BTW I'm relatively new to unix. how do i create symbolic links? peter
  14. M


    according to the gcc manual it no longer turns c++ code into an intermediate c version. that's why they changed gcc from being GNU C Compiler to GNU Compiler Collection. But that's really beside the point. You're saying all I have to do is run c++ instead of cc?? peter
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    Thanks! I went through all the trouble of getting gcc downloaded. Wish i'd read this first. quote from the cc man pages: "cc - C and Objective-C compiler" Why did they take out c++ support? Seems kind of silly. gcc will compile c, c++ and objc so why can't cc if it's derived from it? peter
  16. M

    Why Cocoa?

    Carbon is an intrem step. Apple made it so that developers could resuse their old code and, with only small modifications, port their program to os X. Also carbon will run on both os x and os 9 ( and os 8.6?). When every one is up and running with os x and later, developers will start taking...
  17. M

    I can not get iTunes to run! anybody...

    Yep same problem. I think its got something to do with the crappy umax scanner drivers or the crappy epson dirvers. I've got a AGP G4 450 256MB what's your set up? anything in common?
  18. M

    virtual pc for carbon

    jove, i meant that in VPC 3 when you double click on a drive icon in the finder it mounted in the FINDER. just like a regular disk image. I heard that because Connectix change their images so that they are now expandable, and propriety, finder can't mount them. Note: you can quote by...
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    Apple Menu still sucks

    Couldn't agree with you more. apple put them in an menu so it would be accessable from all applications. The desktop icon in the dock would make more sense. Here's my special hack for people who miss the apple menu when OSX final comes out. Make a new folder. Paste an apple icon on it...
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    Office 2001 for OS X

    admiral, Where? I went to their site and didn't see anything that looked like an office package. damn. I liked omni web and was getting my hopes up! peter