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  1. M

    virtual pc for carbon

    like i said I wasn't being entirely serious and i'm not going to argue with you because you're right. Why try to do all this tricky hacking when all VPC does is add extensions to windows. I don't think I see the reason why connectix isn't open sourcing these add ons so they can be ported to...
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    Using NATD and IPFW to share a cable connectionw with 2 enet cards

    tim, Ok now i'm really confused. Your theory was that OT in the classic environment is intercepting the packets before they can be fowarded right? Problem: I turned of OT in classic but problem remains. Quit classic and all works fine again. What the hell is happening?!? peter
  3. M powered by MacOSX Server

    Is there any way we can know for sure. I'm not calling apple a liar but I could but I could get an NT box and put that picture at the bottom. Is there a way to get host info? peter
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    G3 vs. G4

    Well I don't have a G3 but I can tell you that my G4 450MHz 256MB RAM machine is faster than i am right now. Whether thats the extra ram, the higher clock speed or the G4 I don't know. peter
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    Office 2001 for OS X

    i've never used star office. How good is it really? No "but it's open source" crap. Does it actually compete with office 2001 and can it read office 2001 files? If these are yes then "Down with M$ office" otherwise i need it. peter
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    Apache proxy server?

    I heard that apache has a built in proxy server module. Anyone know if this is true and if so how to turn it on? peter
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    virtual pc for carbon

    so admiral, you're saying that you put a Windows extension (what ever you call them) and make Windows look like macosx THEN patch the winow. That would be cool. anyway it'll be interesting if Connectix is even considering a "red box". looking forward to the possibility. peter
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    Observations of Mac OS X

    greg, any chance I could grab build 2E14 off you. Just kidding. Did you get seeded or something? I didn't think there was an update. peter
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    virtual pc for carbon

    just another thought, do you reckon, while we're hacking the windows, we can hack them to look like os x windows. yes I know I know. I not being entirely serious. It would require hacking Windows it self. but still most windows programs use a standard window. if you could some how map it's...
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    virtual pc for carbon

    what about a choice! Have it auto detect if the OS is windows and if it is then patch it to be like classic, and if it's not then run it in an emulated screen window. Also put a preference setting in there so you can turn off the patching and view windows in a single window too. Best of both...
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    Oh my.... that's FAST!

    i hate you! i've only got the internal 56k modem. best I get is 4kb a second. peter Ps Oni is really cool. Its got really good 3rd person hand to hand combat and actually has a plot! I downloaded it from a friends work computer - ethernet then optic. Still only 610KB a second though.
  12. M


    what 3rd party? iTunes is made by apple! peter
  13. M

    gmp on OSXPB

    glenbo, don't know anything about your problem but i think your tag's pretty cool. I figured it out. peter
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    ipfw rules in os x???

    firewall setup has been talked about here before. Do a search on firewall. If you don't find what you need try: man ipfw. It's documentation is huge. peter
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    Using NATD and IPFW to share a cable connectionw with 2 enet cards

    Oops. looks like you have to change the message "Starting firewall" in the plist and not in the shell script to get a custom startup message otherwise what i said works. Sorry I wrote my last post before I tried changing the message myself. the shell script works though. peter
  16. M

    Firewall Configuration in OSX

    Trevor, For a basic firewall setup try <a href="">Firewall Setup</a> Also there is <a href="">another thread</a> here on NAT which is similar and may help. If you need more...
  17. M

    Using NATD and IPFW to share a cable connectionw with 2 enet cards

    mutha, sort of. Yes you have to change en0 to ppp0 but the problem is natd is expecting a static IP address so you have to add the -dynamic flag as well. The other way will work but if the connection drops out and you reconnect and get assigned a new IP address then natd will get lost. So...
  18. M

    When the Beta expires, will people be hosed?

    Sort of off topic but I was reading the loginwidow.strings (System/Library/CoreServices/ file and i noticed that under "Second Date" is this: "This Beta release of Mac OS X has expired. You will need to restart your computer from a...
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    When the Beta expires, will people be hosed?

    Just to answer panther's second question: The CoreServices folder in the System folder is the System Folder for OS X and the file bootX is an OS 9 system file and it loads the OSX kernel. The dock and Desktop are in that folder too. peter
  20. M

    NetBoot server on OS X Beta?

    "NETBOOTSERVER=-NO-" yeah i just noticed that too while i was turning SSH on. Anyone know how to config it? peter