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  1. M

    A Centered Menu Bar

    strobe, In OSX the menu bar IS a window. A programer can access it like any other window. Don't know how easy it would be to put your favorite menu items in a global menu or floating window though. Two Paste items may have the same text but each is wired to different code and is a seperate...
  2. M

    debug code?

    In project builder, in the compile settings, you can choose either no optimization or levels 1-3 of optimization. The higher you go the faster the program will run but by the time you get to level 3 it is almost impossible to debug. Since this is a beta I doubt apple are highly optimizing their...
  3. M

    OS X icons

    endian, You don't have to take the .app sufix off. Just control click on the icon and choose Show Pakage Contents. peter
  4. M

    Services anyone?

    they don\'t work for me either. Even if the service app is running. peter
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    Pipe MacOS stuff through Unix with Terminal services!

    Quick question why do my \'s have a \\ before them? I\'m using IE 5 on OSX PB peter
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    Pipe MacOS stuff through Unix with Terminal services!

    sudo SystemStarter doesn\'t seem to work. Strange seeing the boot panel appear on top of all the apps though. Note: if you want to try it, make sure you su first to log in as root. peter
  7. M

    Killing OS X

    The goto: field IS for entering a path for a different folder but you can also useit a filter. In os 9 you can automatically scroll to the file you want by starting to type it\'s name. the goto: field will do the same thing. Try it!