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  1. G

    defaults write ...

    This will take the place of the procedure above and have the same result?
  2. G

    2nd mouse button and classic

    Did you try putting the drivers for your mouse in the extensions folder in the OS 9.1 System Folder? I haven't tried it myself (I boot back into 9.1 to game), but I would give it a shot. If you haven't tried the USB Overdrive extensions instead of your manufacturers drivers, check them out...
  3. G

    I gots the final. :)

    I concede: those are correct and totally accurate points. I have experienced all of the symptoms Hobeaux mentioned and agree that these are problems. However, I think it is worth noting that it has support for my scroll wheel and right mouse button without any configurations or drivers (read...
  4. G

    No support for PPPoE DSL connections

    PPPoE support is native in my 4K78 build and it has been indicated that it is native in the release/GM (Supposedly the 4K78 build is the GM)
  5. G

    I gots the final. :)

    Note that I do not have a CD-Installed version of OS X but the "about this mac" box does indicate the 4k78 build. PPPoE rocks for me... No problems except it doesn't automatically connect on machine boot (I may be picky, eh?) but I will resolve that with Applescript as I have done with my 9.1...
  6. G


    The symptom is kernel panic... there have been many a discussion about this. Search forums far and wide for the term and you will find your solution. Good luck!
  7. G

    I gots the final. :)

    Don't keep us in such suspense! Give us the Details! I want to know Numbers! Included applications! What's on the CD's? Is it slow like 4K78? Tell me MORE!
  8. G

    4k73 on a G4 533

    The 4K78 build (rumoured to be the GM) sometimes (almost consistantly) freezes on boot without the CD here. My machine is as noted above with 448 MB RAM and a 30 GB drive (Apple installed) in 3 partitions (one 20 GB and two 5 GB). OS X resides one of the 5 GB partitions (I forget if it is the...
  9. G

    Fire in 4k78

    Using newest version of Fire ((v0.21.b)) and build 4K78.
  10. G

    Dual 733

    Go here: Most everything I have seen them post has come true. Also they update and kill rumors when they find errors and such. Check the archives if these aren't on the front page when you get there, or for verification of past rumors... "Friday, March 16...
  11. G

    defaults write ...

    Just found this elswhere on the site: Basically what it says is: "Try this (from $> su type the root password. $> open -e...
  12. G

    Can't modify hard drive icons

    Ditto... But on a G4 450/DP 448MB RAM w/OS X build 4K78. Found that an alias of the drive on the desktop updates immediately. Dragging the same alias to the dock shows the new icon on the dock but it looses the icon on reboot or logout/log in (not sure exactly when this occurs).
  13. G

    defaults write ...

    I haven't been able to get the "defaults write orientation Right" command to work either; I am running build 4k78. A few notes about the command (starting from the manual. Type "man defaults" at the terminal to get the whole thing.) "DESCRIPTION defaults allows users...