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  1. Hypernate

    Convert MIDI to MP3 or AIFF?

    I have an even easier program to use. iTunes. Just import the MIDI file, and then Convert to MP3, or AIFF. I havn't tried this in iTunes 3, though, so you might have to go find a copy of iTunes 2.
  2. Hypernate

    Just a pet peeve....

    Or when people think that an iMac is an iBook.... Sorry that pisses me off ;) One friend at school ALWAYS goes on as if my iMacs are laptops. Oh, and people who write Imac and Ibook. ;)
  3. Hypernate

    HELP!!! My iMac wont start up

    What does it do? Oh, and on the side of the old iMacs, whats the little button/paperclip hole next to the reset one do?
  4. Hypernate

    iBook 700 mhZ

    OK, I need an honest opinion here. Is it worth getting an iBook 700, with 384mb ram, and an AirPort card for Au $3900 on a FlexiRent plan, which would take out about $35 a week of my $45 a week pay? Also, with FlexiRent, does anyone know if you can pay say $1000 of it and then only pay...
  5. Hypernate

    Will there ever be another G4 (or Possibly G5) cube?

    What stops the iMac from being professional is the 1024 x 768 max resolution of the screen. Most pros want higer resolutions, and with OS X, I probably couldn't blame them. The screen elements, ARE quite big....
  6. Hypernate

    Help! Imac popping.

    I can't be sure, and I'm not a technician or anything, but I'd guess that the popping sounds are from the monitor, seeing as that's also displaying another problem. Maybe the monitor on the blink? Get Apple to check it out.
  7. Hypernate

    Is it possible to install an apple supplied G4 in my G3?

    I thought that the G4 upgrades were a whole card....
  8. Hypernate

    Absolute minimum spec for OSX

    *grins* I like how you all seem to think 128mb RAM is the minimum for OS X. Hehe, I have OS X, 10.1.2 running on my Rev. D 333mhz iMac... with 96 MB RAM! And it's usueable!
  9. Hypernate

    Is it possible to install an apple supplied G4 in my G3?

    I think there would be compatibility problems. Liek trying to install a Pentium 4 on a Pentium 3 motherboard. Wouldn't you need a new logic board, and stuff to get the chip to physically fit, let alone everything else! And the bus speed would make it almost pointless anyway.
  10. Hypernate

    Apple & Jaquar can go to @!&%

    The weird thing is, even though OS X is so touchy about RAM, I was able to install X.1.2 (Havn't d/l'd anyway updates to it yet) on my Rev. D iMac with only 96mb RAM. The scariest thing abou this is that it runs comfortably! My mum's 333mhz Celeron with 288mb RAM has great difficulty running...
  11. Hypernate

    more typos with Apple Pro Keyboard (Black)

    When I got the white Pro keyboard with my iMac, it was VERY different to the keyboards i've used with other computers, but now, I really like it. I don't like the little crappy keyboard that came with my OLD iMac though. Too small! I hit the wrong keys all the time!
  12. Hypernate

    New Dual G4 and SCSI

    Isn't it possible to get a SCSI to FireWire adapter?