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  1. G

    Apple's July 7 event

    It was a widespread rumor that was widely accepted... and if you believed it, you're probably hugely disappointed.
  2. G

    Websites running away from Qucktime?

    Matters... between 5.0, 6.0, and now 7.0, I've seen some bloat. Only via tweaking do I keep the same filesizes as the prior version.
  3. G

    Websites running away from Qucktime?

    Well, let's see. BBC uses Real Player now mostly. They don't have any affiliation with Microsoft... nor Real for that matter. It's all about choices, and lately, Quicktime gets bigger and bigger, filesize. And in the Flash that I use, *.wmv seems to be getting smaller and smaller...
  4. G

    Cube able to upgrade Intel from G4.

    It's being called a hoax by some at Slashdot. I just wonder if it's all real... I got a dead Cube or two laying around that I'd love to update or something.
  5. G

    For those who want to keep PowerPC...

    I vote for 3 iterations of OSX before PowerPC will be dropped. so 10.8, you might be out of luck. I'm speculating, btw.
  6. G

    Windows on Macs: The Average-Joe magnet

    All of this because of a processor? Ever thought that this might be a cost-saving procedure? No more R&D on hardware... money invested on making the OS that much better. It'll still be virus-free - initially - and still be better than Windows. Just a different processor that might actually...
  7. G

    Windows on Macs: The Average-Joe magnet

    When was the last time you saw an Apple Mac desktop commercial on television? Not the iPod - I see those all of the time, but the actual Mac desktop? Apple better get marketing. Now. Otherwise, they're going to lose too many people to confusion. They need a Mac Mini replacement that uses...
  8. G

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    My sentiments exactly.
  9. G

    XSI on OSX petition

    I signed... even though I'm a long 3ds max user, XSI is an awesome piece of software that would shift some users over to the platform as well, imho. Good luck with it all man.
  10. G

    PC's too expensive, Intel copying

    Mini-ITX was not a prototype, Nano-ITX was. Just thought I'd clarify. Nanode/Nano-Itx was indeed a prototype. But shown before the Mac Mini. Research the history. Isn't that exactly what the starter of this thread just did!? Go buy an AOPen box just like that link... if you can.
  11. G

    Apple to switch?????

    Scare them off to accomplish what? Go back to Motorola and their slow turnaround on G4's perhaps? Or a flop of a processor in the form of the Itanium via Intel? Or Intel's admission to some form of defeat after accepting the nigh-identical EMT64 architecture that's maybe an instruction or...
  12. G

    PC's too expensive, Intel copying

    There have been mini-ITX computers and other Shuttle - those are full-feature Pentium IV and AMD chipsets - that are small. In fact, the Mac Mini could be charged of ripping off the year prior announced Nanode. Apple was not the first with that type of look, size, nor functionality in...
  13. G

    Apple to switch?????

    It's starting to seriously stink like a hoax though, guys. Take a read...
  14. G

    Another Good Reason to be 3% of the Market...

    Like above... this was a long-time coming. Also, being the minority of the computer market doesn't do a damn thing other than run off vendors like Corel and products from Adobe. Not security via obscurity. I could see if you were talking about NetBSD, BeOS, or something else. But MacOSX is...
  15. G

    OSX 10.5 "Sabertooth"

    definitely being sarcastic ;) but Longhorn with Avalon, WinFS, and the rest of the technologies won't be around for a while. WinFS is looking like it'll be delivered almost a full year after initial release.
  16. G

    OSX 10.5 "Sabertooth"

    Sabretooth? I can't wait until Marvel Comics decide to sue on this one. I vote for Ocelot. Lion should come out when Longhorn comes out.
  17. G

    Application Scaling...

    Expose was in Panther... not years... more like many months. But the possible XAML rendering engine - think Aqua/Quartz - alongside the Avalon presentation layer.
  18. G

    WMP v. 10...

    How is it a rip-off of iTunes? I mean... yeah, they both play mp3's, they both play movies... erm. Ok, so iTunes doesn't play movies. What part of media player escapes you? I hate to sound like I'm flaming you, I'm not; it's just that I don't understand how it's a rip-off. If that's the...
  19. G

    New Adium 0.80

    Version 0.8 is working fine for me... in fact, less memory, less crashes than 0.74.
  20. G

    Watercooling on iMac G5???

    I think you mean Apple is the one where you might not see water cooling in a portable. Others have already done it... years ago. Hitachi did it in 2002. Google search it on your own.