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  1. G

    Alpine Confirms iPod interface adapter the company's headunits

    this will work with my Alpine. yes. this is good news indeed.
  2. G

    Army supercomputer big black eye...sabotage

    danke. I couldn't remember the damn name of those to save my life!
  3. G

    Any updates on the new ipods?

    wow, and the local best buy here has some... I would have lost my religion by now.
  4. G

    Carnivore - Network Tool

    oh, they finally came out with the MacOSX version of this - they being Joshua Davis (Praystation) and Branden Hall - eh? cools. something to play with.
  5. G

    Army supercomputer big black eye...sabotage

    they'll probably use one of those big dehumidifyer/cooler things the size of a car engine to keep all of that cool - they have a ceiling mounted one at some places in the gubmint that I've seen firsthand in some installs where they've retrofitted "closets" to house rackmounted servers. And...
  6. G

    More Mac Vs. PC Ammo Fer Ya

    My Apple G4 Cube motherboard has died on me 4 times, before I finally got frustrated with Apple's lack of support, and bought one off of ebay for parts, basically modded the hell out of it, upgraded the G4 CPU, RAM, HD, DVD-ROM, video card, and even case... before that, I had an Apple IIGS that...
  7. G

    Apple and BMW team up for car audio device

    Why not? It'll break that Volkswagen stereotype that Mac owners have.
  8. G

    What's left for WWDC?

    well... looks like Remote Desktop 2 - up from 1.2 - bows out early. So... it now connects to VNC enabled Linux and Windows machines. Looks like 10.4 might be more enterprise targeted (at least Server) by connecting from Mac to PC/Linux using something other than Samba. Might get...
  9. G

    Apple and BMW team up for car audio device

    the Smart cars are going to be introduced to the US in 2k5 with the Formore and then the Forfour.
  10. G

    Process :: appeboot?

    I have a process, appeboot, and yet I don't quite recall it being there before. Is this a normal process? via Top, it's staying in the high 100's, but it's not really causing any harm - or is it? Just need to settle my curiousity. Thanks in advance.
  11. G

    What's left for WWDC?

    the patent's real... I've just been wondering what in the hell will they use it on. last I checked, that type of scrolling would be good only if I was doing limited things... like manipulating my iPod. the puck was indeed a flop. and as far as people saying that Apple has do lead people...
  12. G

    What's left for WWDC?

    why would it be a failure? that's the one thing I have not seen explained away without a shadow of a doubt. it's not like they can't also sell that hardware too. :shrug: I just must be missing something. Too many years as a MCSE perhaps? Perhaps I'm not deeply enough into the "apple...
  13. G

    More Mac Vs. PC Ammo Fer Ya

    who cares? use what you use. making excuses and justifications for what you like is just sad.
  14. G

    Apple and BMW team up for car audio device

    Sounds a lot like the Alpine announcement some months back.
  15. G

    What's left for WWDC?

    MS Office? I actually use NeoOffice/J... does what I need 100%. and I have to ask out of curiousity... what mistakes from dark days? Apple clones? Just wondering.
  16. G

    Mac PDA !

    Sony does it all the time. So does HP. Mock-ups of upcoming, as well as cancelled products happen all the time - check CeBit, CES, even the E3, and the aftermath. Apple is just a bit... well, weirder. : shrug :
  17. G

    Mac PDA !

    if they had something, but decided to not release it... what's the harm of letting go some of the photos of it? I'd like to see something I would have "almost" bought...
  18. G

    What's left for WWDC?

    What's left now anyway? MS Office. MSN. Remote Desktop. erm... IE (dead). So what? Ever thought that now would be a killer time to basically strike a deal with AMD, and break out of their singular, myopic, hardware sales strategy, and sorta take advantage of this 2-3 year lull between...