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  1. B

    "iOffice" almost confirmed

    Guys, remember MS/Apple contract just expired last summer. Apple is free to innovate and compete with MS and anyone else.. MS won't bully Apple anymore.. hence the reason why Keynotes came out! Keynotes is answer to Powerpoint. Jobs has been using Keynotes in some of his keynotes since...
  2. B

    Mail: Why can't I do this anymore??

    or move that "" out of the directory and let create new one and you can import "" from other directory..
  3. B

    Mail: Why can't I do this anymore??

    did you check the preference to change directory?
  4. B

    Safari has some commercial links in it ?!

    heh... did any of you know that when starting up Safari for the first time, it automatically imported the bookmarks from IE's ??
  5. B

    new build of safari released

    yeah about show 1.0 v51 and check get info, shows 1.0 Beta. THEN if you set the folder view to list view, you will see 0.8.1 Now you get it guys??
  6. B

    First post with Safari on!

    Bookmarks Pane? you mean sidebar in Chimera? Safari has nicest Bookmark manager! click the "book" icon in favorites bar on the left..
  7. B

    First post with Safari on!

    maybe you need to check the cookie pref under "Safari" menu it is set to "Only from sites you navigate to" by default so you want to change it to "always"
  8. B

    First post with Safari on!

    Safari use KHTML (KDE Konquerer) so it is not Gecko (Mozilla ports) or IE's Tasmanian (I think)
  9. B

    First post with Safari on!

    This info from a fourm catering to Chimera users... As for many of the comments here on importing bookmarks, click the little 'Book' icon - you'll see that your IE bookmarks are all imported automatically in a folder at the bottom - just drag them around to where you want them... For importing...
  10. B home button? and...

    It does have applespell service(spellchecking) look under edit menu... Please explore all the menu and preferneces and etc before you blurt anything! :D
  11. B

    Power Macs will be released anyday along with the infamous Gigawire!

    The high-end iMac is shipping NOW then mid-range iMac will be shipping in Feb then Low-end imac will be shipping in March. Check the Apple Store yourself... :p PowerMac w/DDR rams and ghz speeds are likely to be announced at MWTokyo Later, Boult
  12. B

    Build 4K78

    Well go to and get 10.0.3 update it will reinstall and bring your up to 4P13 build... Cheers..
  13. B

    Build 4K78

    I see two Software Update 1.3.1 shouldn't be like that..
  14. B

    Get OS X update 10.0.1 HERE!!!!!

    Oh god... you installed it today??? the leaked build? check they announced that you should "Update Now" meaning check your Software Update for new update since it is out today.. ironcially on Friday the 13th eh.. Boult
  15. B

    IE 5.5 kills OS X

    Where the Hell did you get that version number 5.5??????? the preview release on Final OS X is IE 5.1 Preview! Were you drinking Beers?? well might want to cut down on driking binge... Boult
  16. B

    Put Trashcan Back on the Desktop

    It is better to leave Trash in Dock because when you want to eject CD, the Trash will change to Eject icon so you can drag to that.. I rather keep disk and trash off the desktop and use the finder in the dock to open "Computer" to navigate... USE the DOCK or GO Menu!! :-)
  17. B

    quicktime 5 for OS X

    to get fullscreenmode you need QT Pro 4/5 Key not 3.0 Key Full Screenmode is part of Pro feature in 5.0 Boult
  18. B

    OSX Build 4L7

    4L7 is still at close to top of listing.. get them while you can..
  19. B

    OS X update

    They haven't removed it yet.. still at actually 4L5 was replaced with 4L7 build in their list. still there as of NOW Cheers, Boult
  20. B

    printer drivers

    Read the news duh!! it was there before and by the time Apple reorganized the iDisk and iTools, those drivers were gone.. If you go to and go to software listing and you will see a picture telling you to check your idisk for printer drivers.. I do not have any driver...