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  1. B

    Differences Between MacOSX Beta/Client and MacOSX Server

    Vaporboy, read this url if you want..
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    let you know that Apple has still stand firm on the name as Mac OS X for the consumer version and the server version as Mac OS X Server. The previous relase of server was "Mac OS X Server Relase 1.2" when the aquafied version comes out it will be "Mac OS X Server" Here's the news on...
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    Differences Between MacOSX Beta/Client and MacOSX Server

    The new one with aqua interface won't be out for a month AFTER Mac OS X Final release on March 24th.. what you can get is a old gui so you got a choice after March 24th.. You should read the FAQ which is a PDF docutment at later, B
  4. B

    Internet Cafe Management SW

    check for it.. then contact the developer of that software.. I think it is called i-Cafe to see if there's one for OS X or carbonized.. B
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    Quake 3

    Do you own a copy of Quake 3 for mac or pc.. the one released by OmniGroup is just a app and it contain no levels.. so it require a regiestered levels.. Also the OX version of Quake 3 app should be in same folder as id1 B
  6. B

    Cant connect laser printer...please help

    I believe printing via appletalk isn't supported yet till final release.. pb does support printing to laser printer via ethernet I belive.. I could be wrong.. Printing to laser or inkjet via usb wasn't supposed to be supported but everyone found a way to do that by using developer kit...
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    according to Mac OS X FAQ PDF document. It says "Mac OS X Server Release 1.2" not a verison nbr just a release nbr eh like build nbr.. you know? but when it comes out after Mac OS X in March it will still use Release 1.2 but aquaified though.. B
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    No Apple actually wanted us to say Mac OS 10 so X is a roman number for ten not a Letter right? there will be no "version 1.0 or 2.0 it is 10.0 after 9.1 ok? It should be called Mac OS 10 I am sure next version might be 10.1 or 10.2 so the "X" will be gone after that...
  9. B

    Can't start up MacOS9...Please Help!!!

    If booting from OS 9 CD hold down c key while starting with CD in the drive. If you are using the latest Mac like G4 use the option key to get boot menu to let you select which OS to boot up... If using G3 then boot from OS 9 CD and use the "System Disk" that OS X installed for...
  10. B powered by MacOSX Server

    Try this url you can find out what server they are running on.. NetCraft is one of the well known. Sign up for their mailing list and you will see that Apache is widely used than MS's own.. B
  11. B

    Anyone help out a PC Refugee?

    Hehe there you go... B
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    Iomega U Zip 250 not seen

    Insert zip disk and it should mount.. Have you tried that? I have Zip 250 USB external worked beautifully.. nothing else needed to install like iomega drivers. B
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    Iomega Zip 100 Expansion Bay mod

    Well.. it worked with a USB Zip 250 no iomega drivers inside OS X hmm.. OS X PB don't supports all device yet.. it might be supported in OS X Final coming out on March 24 Check other sites to see if anyone got their internal zip drive to work in X PB B
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    Anyone help out a PC Refugee?

    You should be able to export your favorites from IE if that's what you are talking about.. Hope that help.. Boult
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    GNOME on OS X

    HalimC Well.. your link is broken... B
  16. B

    MacOS X & XFree86 now interoperable

    Great.. Does that means someone would be able to port Gaim to OS X ? is that possible?
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    GTK has been ported.. you can check it out at and there\\\'s more for X Windows and etc.. glib is ported too.. I just asked if anyone tried porting to Mac OS X.. and that if someone did then I am asking to precompile for us...
  18. B

    The final menu bar solution!

    Strobe, Please read this article at and don\'t bother to reply back to me.. A apology would be in order for all of this who posted in this topic. Later!
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    HLX Running under OS X

    same here... Check for comment and review posted by author...
  20. B


    Strobe, You are ignorant and rude... I am not talking about I am talking about Gaim...