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  1. S

    UPDATE TO 10.1 prob

    hey brodie, thanks alot for your feedback - and sorry dude, i am busy cant search, well have and was made more confused..,... So i just have to burn the .img to a cd, then restart holding c key? that doesn't work for some odd reason... i tried -...
  2. S

    UPDATE TO 10.1 prob

    Hey trip, thanks... But i can't mount it in Disc copy, so i must use toast (well otherwise i cant see how i can mount it and then make bootable) cos thats what i need to do with it isn't it? Make it bootable? thanks for any help, i should be able to reply pretty quick.. thanks I think i may...
  3. S

    UPDATE TO 10.1 prob

    Hi there... I am trying unsuccesfully to update to 10.1 (gm) I DL'ed off Hotline server Have i maybe wrecked the .img file when i mounted it and tried to instal off that mounted image? Cos now i can't seem to make it bootable in toast... I am new to burning and new to tast, so if anyone has...