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  1. N


    Try this in the terminal: sudo pico httpd.conf and then log in with your pwd That should do it :)
  2. N

    mysql access problem on setup(new to unix)

    Instead of : [localhost:/usr/local/mysql] iolaire% mysql -p Have you tried this: [localhost:/usr/local/mysql] iolaire% mysql -u root -p
  3. N

    MySQL and Sendmail @system startup HELP

    Look at the first line : You forgot the # This works for me: #!/bin/sh . /etc/rc.common ## # Start up MySQL server ## if [ "${MYSQLSERVER:=-NO-}" = "-YES-" ]; then ConsoleMessage "Starting MySQL Server" /usr/local/share/mysql/mysql.server start fi The...
  4. N

    mysql and PHP - deploying elsewhere

    To make a dump of the DB : mysqldump -u root -h localhost -p[password] DB_name > backup/mysql/DB_name.sql If your ISP have PhpMyAdmin; just take this file and paste it into the field and run it! Upload your php files, and you are done! NuCleuZ
  5. N

    Installing Unix Apps

    There's a program called pkg-remove here : That will remove pkg installed programs. As for building Apache / PHP : have you seen the tutorial on NuCleuZ
  6. N

    mysql backup

    mysqldump -u root -h localhost -p[password] DB_name > backup/mysql/DB.sql This works for me anyway. You can make a .login file where you put that in, and it'll get executed whenever you log in. NuCleuZ