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  1. S

    Overclocking g4 sawtooth

    OK, after looking at it, I am pretty sure that I can do it. It is much simpler than many others have put it. Can you tell me the number on the chip? It should be something like RX400PK. Depending on what that 3-digit number is, I may be "overclocking" or just bringing it up to spec. Some...
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    Overclocking g4 sawtooth

    I'll check it out and perhaps try tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.
  3. S

    Overclocking g4 sawtooth

    I've been wondering this since I got mine in '99. If you can tell me how, where, and what to solder, I could do it.
  4. S

    The Question-Question Thread

    no?:D I think anything is a question if you put a question mark on the I right, or am I right?
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    Will Smith has an iPod

    During All-Access week on MTV, they were "on the road" with No Doubt, and everyone in the band had their own snow iBook and iPod. I thought that was neat-o. Many "stars" (music, t.v., movie, etc.) use Macs, and every time they are shown with them, it's just more free advertising for Apple. Go...
  6. S

    The result of *extreme* boredom...

    You know, Wal-Mart is selling a 6 pack of life for only $9.95. Maybe you should pick up two or three, you know, just in case. :p ;)
  7. S

    The Question-Question Thread

    Wouldn't some people call these kinds of threads a wast of disk space on's servers?
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    this is kinda funny

    I don't get it.....three browsers at once? Why? OmniWeb is all you (I) need. At least until something that looks as pretty AND supports CSS and JavaScript comes along. (Hint, hint, Omni).;)
  9. S

    Firewall: 400 hits one day 0 the next?

    I have an AirPort Base Station that acts as a hardware firewall. Before that, I used Brickhouse to configure my firewall. The only problem with AirPort is that I can't do ICMP things like traceroute, yet (hint, hint Apple). /me crosses fingers and waits for the next base station firmware update
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    is this a bug?

    I believe Microsoft refers to that as an "undocumented feature."
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    traceroute behind NAT router

    I have this same problem with the AirPort Base Station...any ideas?
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    ICMP Port

    In OS X, using a certain trace route utility, I always get an error message saying "There appears to be a firewall at hop 0 or 1 that is blocking incoming ICMP TTL expired in transit messages for hops 1-32. Please contact your network administrator for help." I'm sitting on my G4 behind an...
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    Key Logger

    There is KeystrokeRecorder X 3.0.3 from Camp Software (, but it's $40 USD for registration. Then there is Monitorer X 1.0 from Burning Bytes ( It's only $10 USD for the...
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    Apple mouse hidden button

    RTFM! Not a suggestion, it's a LAW!
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    Computer Names

    Computer Name: Helios Drive 1 Name: Daedelus Drive 2 Name: Aquinas Drive 3 Name: MP3-A-Thon (Thank you Deus Ex for those excellent names. :D)
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    You da DEBIL! (Thank you, Adam Sandler)
  17. S

    bandwith measuring tool? Pretty accurate.
  18. S

    Mac OS X's "Jaguar"

    I've already put, what was it, $130 to buy 10.0 and then another $20 to get the 10.1 upgrade (I could have driven to a store, but that would cost about $20 in gas :) ). If Apple plans to make me pay an exorbitant amount of money for ANOTHER upgrade, I'm sorry to say, but it may be the first...
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    The Mic on the new iMac rocks!

    I can't stop imagining someone trying to ram a paperclip into the mic hole. AHAHAHA! That's good stuff....:D
  20. S

    broken software update?

    This has been happening to me since 10.1.2. This G4 says there are no updates and that my software is up to date, but I know it's lying because the G3 is across the room downloading updates. I tried getting rid of the Software Update prefs, but that didn't work. It also happens with any other...