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  1. S

    Leopard to Feature Redesigned Finder

    Another thing I dislike is that you can't create those shortcuts when you're in a Save/Open-box.
  2. S

    Center Layers?

    How can I set my layers so they are centered in the browser's window? I made this website for some youth organisation: I'd like to center the whole thing, but i don't know how... Thanks in advance!
  3. S

    Leopard to Feature Redesigned Finder

    A few things about the Finder: 1) Where is command + x aka cut? Is this pattented by Microsoft or so? Now you have to copy the file and paste it where you want to, and then you have to go back to the original file to delete it. 2) Not really a finder-thing... I want another way to resize...
  4. S

    Refined Site Design - Long Rollout

    I don't like this:
  5. S

    Coudal vs Apple

    From a news-item at Gizmodo. First Coudal stole the silhouette from Apple (Ok... Apple didn't really invent that). Then Apple stole its "new style" from Coudal? - Coudal is a graphic design company that made this campaign for Lugz shoes. Whatever.. Doesn't matter.
  6. S

    Did Apple just kill modern TV?

    The fact is that digital television is killing "normal" television. - Decide when you want to watch series/news/movies/... - Buy movies on your television via internet. - Pause/Play function in Live shows - Interactivity, f.e. with TV games - etc... It gives more than what iTunes...
  7. S

    iPod 30GB ?

    well, i was right afterall: 20GB is 30GB now :) (the image of the first post of this thread has changed now, must take screenshot next time...)
  8. S

    new iPod, new iMac, PhotBooth

    I wonder what will happen with this website, now that the iPod with video is here.
  9. S

    The possibilities of Front Row

    This looks like IR: Maybe the IR sensor of the iMac is located in the iSight webcam? There's also a light sensor inthere, so why not?
  10. S

    new iPod, new iMac, PhotBooth

    Hmm, Apple lowered the placement of the CD tray. I don't think this is a good idea, because now you have to look where you have to insert the cd/dvd. With the old iMac G5's it was at the top right corner, you always hit right.
  11. S

    new iPod, new iMac, PhotBooth

    "Even when it’s sleeping, iMac thinks about what’s best for you. In low-light environments, a sensor detects the room’s ambient light and adjusts the sleep light to match — so you and your iMac G5 can both catch some Zs."
  12. S

    eMac less attention

    How, i'm sorry. It's not dead, it doesn't have much attention anymore. Moved to "Education".
  13. S

    eMac less attention

    eMac is no more... Any reason? New eduction model coming?
  14. S

    The return of Macintosh Basics

    Yep, i remember him too! He was replaced by a female some years later. She walked over the desktop, in color! That was on a Apple Performa 6400/200.. I think with System 8.0.
  15. S

    Moving the Menu Bar

    Hmm? Your statistics are saying that you have 1 post, while there are clearly 2 posts of you in this thread...
  16. S

    Finder windows won't refresh

    I hope Apple is focusing on the Finder for Leopard...
  17. S

    Apple & Exposé

    I don't think these geeks are settled in Redmond... But i got the point. :)
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    5G iPods Soon?

    Girls just love iPods.
  19. S

    5G iPods Soon?

    curtains > cinema > video! It's all so simple. :)