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  1. avalenz

    Can't paste icons in Finder

    No, you shouldn't have to log out and log back in... I just tried it and it works fine. Although changing the hard disk icons is something else altogether--I haven't had any luck in that department. Anybody else?
  2. avalenz

    Installing MySQL

    I realize your post was made quite a while ago but I just stumbled upon it and perhaps you're still looking to install mySQL. The best intstructions for getting it installed (along with Apache and PHP) that I've found thus far is at It...
  3. avalenz

    OSX preinstalled starting TODAY

    Not sure exactly what Apple did, but I'm running Samba on X 10.0.3. It doesn't allow you to browse/mount windows volumes but does allow windows users to browse my shares through the network neighborhood. Check out for more info. -Ali
  4. avalenz

    First Post! nyah nyah

    thebettsboy, that is a "concept" screenshot--the current dock can't do either of those things.
  5. avalenz

    OSX on my Umax S900

    Only Apple systems are supported by OS X. See for more info. -Ali
  6. avalenz

    SHaring a DSL connection using IPNetRouter--How??

    I've tried using an internal static IP address on os x with the os 9 machine using dhcp and running IPNetRouter but that's what's not working for me. When using the DHCP server option on ox x my connection works fine... but only with one computer. (As a side note, I've gotten both machines...
  7. avalenz

    SHaring a DSL connection using IPNetRouter--How??

    Hi, I recently installed OS X PB on my iMac which is (or was) sharing a DSL connection with my Beige G3 that is running OS 9 and IPNetRouter. Before installing OS X PB, the iMac and G3 were sharing the connection just fine with IPNetRouter but now, using the same settings I had in the TCP/IP...