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  1. vertigo

    I need a timer (stopwatch)

    just set the timer to fire at whatever granularity you want your stopwatch to operate at, and set repeats to YES. NSTImeInterval is a double, so you could do timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.1 target:yourControllerInstance selector:@selector(timerFired:)...
  2. vertigo

    multihoming woes

    well, turns out it was a hardware problem! the splitting/routing box the lines came into went bad. makes me feel a little better :)
  3. vertigo

    multihoming woes

    no firewall (65535 allow ip from any to any) maybe the fact that the addresses are not contiguous is throwing it off? ie, they're all on the same subnet, but the first is early in the subnet, the rest are late in it. i dunno, any ideas?
  4. vertigo

    multihoming woes

    i am at a loss. i recently got a new block of IPs for a network i manage. i have about 6 of them aliased to one macosx server machine. for the first day or so, all of them responded fine. i could ssh to any of them, go to their respective apache hosts, etc. somehow they just stopped...
  5. vertigo

    Get rid of XDarwin !!! But how ?

    the X windows system usually resides almost completely in /usr/X11R6, so doing a 'sudo rm -Rf /usr/X11R6' should kill most of it. there's probably also stuff in /etc/X11, so also do a 'sudo rm -Rf /etc/X11' if you used fink, i think the same procedure applies for the most part, except fink...
  6. vertigo

    Mac OS 10.2 Codename Jaguar

    i think command-shift is a lot easier on the hand than command-option is, anyway. it feels more natural hitting command with my left thumb and shift with my left pinky and the letter with my left index or middle, than trying to hit command and option both with my thumb, or even worse, dropping...
  7. vertigo

    Apple has its own web browser!!!

    they introduced an html rendering library sometime around the release of os9, i think. there's still an HTMLRendering framework in osx. you can check out the header in /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HTMLRendering.framework/Versions/A/Headers/HTMLRendering.h...
  8. vertigo

    How-to setup CGI on OSX?

    i would tend to agree with him :) check out the php manual, it's pretty easy to learn if you've had any experience with c or perl. it's also really cool that you can escape out of HTML into a php script in the middle of your page.
  9. vertigo

    Header files in OSX

    they're in /usr/include, same as virtually every other unix system. why do you need to find them though? just #include <stdio.h> and let the compiler know where it is.
  10. vertigo

    QT and 10.1 major speed problems

    I'm on a B&W G3/450, and my only complaint with Quicktime is when playing some MPEG files. I can't drag the window or control the volume without clicking and holding for several seconds and even then it's choppy. Native Quicktime (.mov) files play flawlessly and I can drag them around fine. Even...
  11. vertigo

    No Server Running!!!! Error

    when you get this, quit the server admin, re-launch it and try connecting again. sometimes you have to hit connect a couple times before it will see it, and sometimes you have to quit and repeat a few times. it's really flaky, but if you try enough times it should eventually work. dan
  12. vertigo

    enabling anonymous ftp [tutorial]

    Setting Up Anonymous FTP on MacOS X Introduction This manual applies to MacOS X 10.x, not MacOS X Server. The procedure on Server is very similar, but requires a little more tweaking because it uses a different FTP server by default. The FTP server built into MacOS X (ftpd) is already...
  13. vertigo

    Window resize

    all cocoa applications use live window resizing. it's not an option. most carbonized applications resize with outlines because they have not been updated to use carbon events or interface builder. any old calls to DragWindow will result in non-live resizing. you'll see more and more apps...
  14. vertigo


    you can specify the host type manually when running configure if there's no explicit support for darwin/macosx in the distrib: ./configure --host=CHIP-VENDOR-SYSTEM i usually just use POWERPC-APPLE-MACOSX, although i don't think it matters a whole lot if there's no built-in support anyway :)
  15. vertigo

    hide white bar

    you're right, you don't know what's going on. the apple hides itself if the space is needed by menus. see, on the macintosh, that "white bar" is called the menu bar. the menu bar holds menus. the menus displayed are those of the frontmost process. i dont know what YOU want to use the space for...
  16. vertigo

    USB Printing (HP)

    step 1 was log in as root :) i found out the hard way, too. but for future experimenters, just use the package i posted. should simplify matters greatly :)
  17. vertigo

    USB Printing (HP)

    I have posted an installer package of the compiled plugins. You can download it at: Use at your own risk, and good luck. :)
  18. vertigo

    USB Printing (HP)

    For any of you with HP USB printers and the developer tools CD (I would imagine the downloadable dev tools are the same thing), there are print drivers buried in the examples folder just waiting to be compiled. Here's how: - log in as root - navigate to /Developer/Examples/Printing/Printer...