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  1. Nummi

    My View

  2. Nummi

    why is this here?

    I have to go Nummi... cya tomarrow night. The X-Philes is on. ahahahahah good night kaylee :)
  3. Nummi

    why is this here?

    Time for bed eh?
  4. Nummi

    why is this here?

    Happy 182nd post Nummi. How COOL is that?
  5. Nummi

    why is this here?

    Lets give it up for M$ Word and Powerpoint. whhhhooooooooohhhooooooooo.!!!! Are those not the best apps in the world? JK! I had to drop my Multimedia pres. class cause we were going to use powerpoint all year. F THAT!. hehehehe NARF !
  6. Nummi

    why is this here?

    happy 180th post Nummi. How NOT cool!!!
  7. Nummi

    why is this here?

    Why are we here? Why is do we live here? What is the point? Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?
  8. Nummi

    why is this here?

    dooooooooooooo your boobs hang low, do they wobble... can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow... OMG... computer so boring now... need G-Friend now....
  9. Nummi

    why is this here?

    that is a wonderful iDEA jerry. What do you think Nummi?
  10. Nummi

    why is this here?

    windows CE should be changed to Nummi forum. How about that?
  11. Nummi

    MTV... sucks ?!

    Hey... remember when Music T.V was cooL? MTV was a rebel station... starting a revolution. WTF happened? Where are the music videos? Or music?! I hate that shit they play all day. WTF! Why am I talking about this? ahahahhahahaha
  12. Nummi

    Congrats to Herve!

    "and don't let anybody tell you that your posts are not quality!! they just don't understand you. " No Mr. Ed. He is crazy. But, so am I so...make this thread big :)
  13. Nummi

    New iMac - rejected designs

    I like the beetle iMac. Cause I like VW Beetles. And I like Macs. And I like Apple. And I like stufff. And I like Mountain Dew. And I like... why am I talking?
  14. Nummi

    Picky, Picky, Picky

    doesnt p.s. mean "Post Script" ???
  15. Nummi

    lets rip them up :)

    I do not think anyone posted this yet... so here you are: Mac or PC poll :) HEHEHEHEH lets tear it up!,1483,1-10532,00.html
  16. Nummi

    good idea???

    "nummi's jpeg" What jpeg Mr. Ed ? Do you mean the thumbnails on the site? I can give you the photoshop file/a larger version of the thumbnail.
  17. Nummi

    good idea???

    "are you going to play or just spank nummi" my girlfriend is going to kick your asses. she wants to know where both of you live. :)
  18. Nummi

    good idea???

    Here is the crappy illustrator file. Do what you want with it. Pee on it, play with it, delete it, I do not care. Or go to to download.
  19. Nummi

    good idea???

    "other wise he is likely to have a temper tantrum, he is very sensitive" that is right. do not mess with me. ill get ya! You betta watch yo back RacerX. Im gunna cut ya! And "WTF" did you mean by "little guy" ? huh?! I am gunna snap!
  20. Nummi

    good idea???

    Ed... when you want to play... I have a illustrator file for ya. Saved for 5.0/5.5 It got a little messed up when I saved it for 5.0, but I am fixing it now. I am not sure what you would do with this file. I think it will be hard to work with. I guess you could say it is "abstract"? ? ?