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  1. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Happy belated bday ksv.
  2. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    yup. it's sad. i wish that never happened. but then again, when have i and the admin seen eye to eye.
  3. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Ohh. . . Ohh. . . Ohhh. . . poor little vic . . . Well, thanks for bringing this to a halt, the argument has been made, i think you know my point of view and i think i know your and racerX's point of view, let's leave it at that. BUT. i want one thing understood. I don't need sidekicks. no...
  4. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Satanicpoptart, Congratulations, and, Valrus, those comics were funny. time to do some work now, .. m u s t e s c a p e t h e d e a t h g r i p o f t h e f o r u m !!!!
  5. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    correct, but gain, i seem to attrackt people who do not teke into account my entire argument as a whole. the word dog, let's say, means dog as in the animal, but if i say Bill Clinton is a dog, does it still mean dog as in animal?
  6. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    ?LTi]Originally posted by RacerX [/i] I was never off the subject. You seem to be having problems staying on the subject (and seeing as I am posting responses to your posts specifically, the question of relevance seems to me to fall on you). Remember I love to quote what people have said, so...
  7. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    ok, i will take a break after this; you are starting to make me act impulsively. So, i talk about fads, and give examples of, and you tell me i live them? Not even the fact that i live in a country that is not (ok, it is but not to such extant as USA) affected by those issues have you taken into...
  8. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Or maybe i did, i just did not recal the exact words, which as i remember imply the same thing i (and you ) listed above. My I ask you waht is it that makes you want to argue things that are besides the point? in any argument, even against nummi_g4 or someone else i don't know who, i know...
  9. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    OK, sorry, and you are confusing me. if you did not misinterpret me, then i missinterpreted you. again sorry.
  10. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Well thanks you for your understanding, i sure wish you would not have been in such a fury to respond earlier and make a - demeaning - to say the least comment about me. No, i do not hate americans, i hate (not agree with, let's say) patriots. My father did not move to canda from america...
  11. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    I am not a religious person as one might have deducted from another interesting thread a while ago, but the bible has a very interesting story indeed (it might have many but i only need on for now) and that is the story of Adam and Eve. remember/reread that story and understand waht paradise is...
  12. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    i love you too racerX. Greek and Latin are dead languages. the meaning of the words never changes, that is why scientists name things using greek and latin names or descriptions. English on the other hand is probably the most dynamic and popular language in the world. yesterday a word means this...
  13. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    i'm getting tired of correcting your missinterpretations... look at waht i said next, you will understand the sarcasm then.
  14. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Yes, AGAIN, you are completely misinterpreting me. i do not agree with the celebration of differences thing.
  15. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    "what i really hear from you vic is the whining of a youth who doesn't 'belong' and can't stand the idea that other people actually get along with each other and care about each other because it makes your own isolation seem so much more miserable." Well, since this is the observation you...
  16. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    " In fact, it is unlikely we will ever reach that ideal without learning to celebrate our differences rather than trying to demolish them or conceal them." i 100% do not agree with that. but that's me.
  17. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    No, i think enduring freedom is a very good name since it makes americans believe that the war and bush and all that shit is good and jolly and, yay, freedom and, yay, kill the afgans.
  18. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    i asked a question, and it was actually a somewhat rethorical question, and i am not flaming you, i am flaming the site, here, because if i get a response here it is from people whose personalities i - sorta - know.
  19. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    "got anymore smart ass remarks to make?" Maybe, but for now this one will suffice. I agree mostly. I feel i should make my vintage point known better, in general i am anti patriotism, weather it be my country or another country. So any patriotic remarks, in my eyes, are vain attempts to...
  20. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Yes let's all jump up and down for the prety american soldiers who go and fight other peoples wars. yee, joy, war. whoo hoo. let's cheer and support the soldiers.