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  1. vic

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    and i appreciate you both have calmed down a bit and stopped insulting eachother. that did not help any of your arguments, be it bad or good.
  2. vic

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    ahhhhh.... you have summed well the reasons why most of us here hate MS, the sad thing is that only the people that hate MS and use other platforms know or aknowlege that MS is probably, in comparison to most companies out there, the Devil of the IT world.
  3. vic

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    what's with you and peanuts?
  4. vic

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    C'mon PEOPLE! can't we just get along?! where is the LOVE? the KISSES? the HUGS?
  5. vic

    LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

    Yes. You know the show is going to hell when the hosts have the attention-span of babies.
  6. vic

    The "post a picture" thread

    senne is a short form of in-sane! :)
  7. vic

    The story behind your screen name

    hehehe.... i used the force...
  8. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Christ, i thought i was the only one! sometimes i spen 4 hours browsing and posting here. i think it's getting to be a big problem. it's addcitive. i wonder if we are going to get nailed for possetion of too many posts...
  9. vic

    Avatar icon contest

    is there an os x app to do good transparencies?
  10. vic

    Avatar icon contest

    like my new one?
  11. vic

    Funny Graduate School Experiences

    NOW i get it! you must'v felt like that back then.
  12. vic

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    ok, lets not fight, i think this is one of those Microsoft ID 10 T problems... or maybe the problem is between the chair and the keyboard. anyway. it's going to take a while to fix it.
  13. vic

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    ok. 1. have you actually used tose peaces of software? 2. why do you think that popularity = quality? NEVER has popularity equaled quaity! what is the most popular band in the us? whao is the most popular girl singer? are they good? they can't even write thir own songs! trust pwople don't use...
  14. vic

    Who has a life besides his computer?

    yeah. but the Y has changed and now has both women and men.... mmmm women in scandily clad bath suits.... mmmmm
  15. vic

    How do I use another Partition or HD as my Home folder?

    WHOA WHOA WHOA take it E A S Y folks! it' smuch easier than all tha *nix stuff! i did it in 1 minute! i made a partition my home folder ! E - e - a - s - y. fire up netinfo. authenticate yourself, got to users, your user name, home, chnage it to Volumes/new home name (partition name) Voilá...
  16. vic

    Mac OS X compatibility with windows apps

    no it's not, playstaion is
  17. vic

    Funny Graduate School Experiences

    you know if 5% of my brain was working properly i might think these are funny experiences... but i mean math... and chemistry... you could at least have involved jar jar binks in these stories somehow! SHEESH! :)
  18. vic

    Who has a life besides his computer?

    ok, let's see. in summer i have a life, in winter i dont - usually. last summer was one of my best summers. i visited my cousin in germany, and i only went on the computer when she had to go to work and i absolutely had nothing to do - gotta read slashdot... i guess some geekeeness is deeply...
  19. vic

    Who has a life besides his computer?

    AHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHhA that was hillarious... ah.... ok i'll think of something smart to post ...