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  1. Iuis

    No Floppy Drive Support in OS X??

    Hey I do love my floopy...I have a Digital Cam that uses floopies what would i do without it?:D When I bought the PB500 I ordered the external USB floopy drive. however the first and only time I have had a crash on OSX (kernel panic) was using it:mad: Other than that I do love it and I will...
  2. Iuis

    Speech Recognition and US accent

    Sorry goinang, but I am still laughing picturing you speaking to your computer with *your* United States accent lol:)
  3. Iuis

    PPP problems with OS X on Wallstreet

    this article helped me out with the same problem on my wallstreet, I hope it works for you:) Applecare Knowledge Base Article ID: 106447
  4. Iuis

    Date set to day/month/year

    As you can see in the attached file, the date keeps showing the month/day/year eventhough my whole system uses ( and works fine) day/month/year The stupid thing wont change on the menu bar ..any ideas?:) it should read: domingo 25/11/2001 and not like the attached file
  5. Iuis

    Apple Software Update Issues?

    I had the exact same problem, what I did was redial to my ISP and reconnect, it worked at the third means acording to the "experts" that your connection (ISP) is as shitty as mine:)
  6. Iuis

    Alexandert, I'm So Confused

    Hey...I just try to go toi your The requested URL / was not found on this server. man! you are funny :)
  7. Iuis

    Hervé Hinnekens Design Of MacOSX

    blb....hmmm man!! I thought we only had 2 people, Hervé and Admiral) on da house who needed a "long sleeve seeing an o, s and and x on Hervé's "design" you most definetly need one also:)
  8. Iuis

    Hervé Hinnekens Design Of MacOSX

    Hervé is going nuts!!!! lock him on a padded room!:)
  9. Iuis

    vBulletin Upgrade - Site Downtime

    Please, please Admin, be nice and change this site to the colour we had before, Admiral doesnt mind, I am sure he wears his sun glasses... Ahah just kidding Admiral:)
  10. Iuis

    so how do you like the new colour scheme?

    This 'new' colour is horrible..I liked the tangerine a lot better, too bad you changed it:mad:
  11. Iuis

    Is there anyway to do this?

    maybe if you tell us the URL we can try to see if some of us can save that QT movie:)
  12. Iuis

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    hey..of course I know what omniweb is.. I was kidding But since i have nothing against microsoft I do use IE and love it :)
  13. Iuis

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Hey oh man, I am glad I don't know what omniweb is..did it not show you an error when you typed "grammer"? lol My dictionary reads "grammar" :) You guys are funny I love you all:)
  14. Iuis

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    *pssst*...*pssst* Admiral..I have 4 Xes...all of them as bad...never get married dude!!! See what marriage does? I don't even know what Omniweb
  15. Iuis

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    RacerX...haha dude maybe your 'spell checker is also screwed up..didn't it tell you that it should be "that is why" instead of "that why? ahah:) What the heck is omniweb anyway? :)
  16. Iuis

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    haha your keyboard screwed up? or are there people form "durchland"?. It sure would be nice if they would add a spell checker here wont it? lol is Saturday you oughta be outside "playing" or doing something about getting a new g/f or spent waaaaaay to much...
  17. Iuis

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    She is Dutch and I am glad I don't get to see her very often:)
  18. Iuis

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic! ex wife thought that Hervé is a handsome dude:)
  19. Iuis

    What mac do you have?

    I have: PowerBook 520 PowerBook 540 PowerBook G3 Wallstreet PowerBook G3 Pismo PowerBook G4 500Mhz:) you can see I am also a power book freak
  20. Iuis


    I updated with Software updater SP..and on my PBG4 it does show the serial problems at all:)