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  1. Iuis

    Ti Book or iBook?

    I totally agree with Admin...the 12" screen on the iBook is way to small to be of any use in graphic designing...the price diference on the PBG4 is worth the cost just for the nice 15 inch screen... I love my PBG4 :)
  2. Iuis

    Can't Wake From Sleep under 10.1

    I had the same problem with my PBG3 and pressing the brightness key on the keyboard solved the problem:)
  3. Iuis

    Voice Messages via Email in MacOS X

    made a typo in the last is called "viavoice"
  4. Iuis

    Voice Messages via Email in MacOS X

    i have not used it but I know some ppl who use it all the time, it is called "viavooice" I dont have the URL at hand so I will post it later:)
  5. Iuis

    Top 10 Software Programs for Mac

    Well..indeed it is a hard question to answer. I think it all dependes on the user...some people only need internet and other apps. So I don't think you question "apps that every mac user should have" could be answered.. since every mac user out there has a diferent needs or uses for...
  6. Iuis

    Waking from sleep on Wallstreet PB

    Do you have any SCSI devices connected? if so then please check: Iuis
  7. Iuis

    Hardware Question

    I asked your Question to a friend of mine who has a mac warehouse ( he sells and buys macs) He said: "well luis I use a 9600/350 for a server ..... as soon as a 23 gig SCSI drive arrives (sometime next week) I will be replacing it with a 266 MHz G3 tower so if that helps you out? this time...
  8. Iuis

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    lets see...I better be extra carefull posting my picture again:)
  9. Iuis

    Top 10 Software Programs for Mac

    I use for 'work': 1.-PhotoShop 2.-Iustrator 3.-Graphic Converter 4.-Golive 5.-File Maker Pro 8.-Quick Time Pro 9.-Stuffit Expander de Luxe 10.-Spring Cleaning for fun I use: 1.- iVisit 2.- ircle
  10. Iuis

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Sorry...I don't see the 'change or delete' option.. I was trying to select my face pict..but I got distracted and selected a file I am working on on PhotoShop for a friend...once you hit "submit reply" there isnt much one can do :(
  11. Iuis

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Grrrr what can you do to change the picture.. i made a mistake and couldnt find a way to delete it:mad:
  12. Iuis

    How can I read floppy disk under MacOS X

    well..I all I need to do is..connect the USB floppy drive on my PBG4 then I insert the floppy and it shows on my problem at all. are you getting an error? or what...I dont see why you cant see a floppy disk? Good luck
  13. Iuis

    Can't make it work!

    I had the same problem about "empty the trash" that happened the second day after I installed OSX...I didnt know then ( and still dont know now) any thing about unix what I did was dowload from some liittle app named "Get Info" with it you can easilly change...
  14. Iuis

    Official Pic of Your Mac Thread

    Not a good picture, but here they are
  15. Iuis

    Very Sad News

    Sorry to hear that, I know what it means to lose a close friend..
  16. Iuis

    Old powerbook G4s

    I have the exact same PB as you do...i was happy cuase it was the latest it isnt :(
  17. Iuis

    internet connect

    I have the same problem I think: Some times the 'connect' botton doesn't respond. what I close internet connect then launch it again and then it works.
  18. Iuis

    Disable annoying out-of-dock-jumping

    Yes you can disable it system preferences/ dock/uncheck "animate opening applications" Some of us like it some of us don't:)
  19. Iuis

    gloreous picture icons

    Ok...I am on page 10 of the "welcome to macox" book the icons in the green window are just simple any picture with graphic converter or Photo Shop, as .jpg and they will look exactly the same Hope it works:)
  20. Iuis

    Delievery time?

    You can obtain the 10.1 Cd free at any store, even COMPUSA has it. I got mine thru a friend who lives in Plano, TX I mailed him my coupons, he didnt need them..they just hand it to whom ever ask for the update. So get your 20 dollars back from apple and get it else where. Good luck:)