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    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Hey, my sister got a dwarf rabbit that weighs 1.5kgs now. They're supposed to be 1 kilos. What she doesn't know is that I've got secret plans to Rabbitnap the animal and make a nice stew out of it.
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    Burning .iso files in Mac OS X

    Fairly easy question probably. Is there a cheap/free way to burn .iso files on Mac? Thanks! Frederik-Jan
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    Mac mini

    Other possible tools in clude a chainsaw, a big mace, a refridgerator, a sixpack and two shiny gold christmas balls.
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    Mac mini

    That still leaves the HD you're going to replace yourself ;)
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    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    How bout just new pictures of cute girls then? ;)
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    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Eep, about that time of the year again. Picture is about 2 years old now I think. I'm the one on the right. Girl on the left is a friend of mine, awesome girl! Erm, if I remember correctly this was taken after I had finished working on a fridaynight, it turns hazy after that picture so don't...
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    Mac Formatted iPods on PC

    Is there a way to use a Mac Formatted iPod on PC? I never succeeded in doing it and ended up formatting my iPod for PC at a friends place. Of course now that there are software updates availible I have to keep doing them at that particular PC if I don't want my HD to be erased. For some more...
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    Safari Bookmark Importing Problem

    So I installed the entire OS again, it was getting kind of slow, that time of the year, Neptune is in recession. We all know that itch when you just have to re-install everything just for the heck of it. But this time, something went terrible wrong. I was a good boy and I extracted the...
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    Whats on your desktop?

    Personally I put everything I use in there so I never have to go sift through folders. And I don't use a lot of applications (29 to be exact, not counting documents, but including the Finder) so that works out fine for me :D
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    Mac Mini Power Supply

    Okies, got the answer then: Then Power Supply of the Mini is external. Compareable to the Cinema Display power supplies or exactly like them, not entirely sure. I was told it was roughly 30% bigger than a deck of cards, and smaller than the power supply of an old Powerbook 5300 so that's not...
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    Mac Mini Power Supply

    Exactly, and if you have your ADC convertor with you, those 3 things are all things they have basically, anywhere.
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    Mac Mini Power Supply

    Yes ... I know, it has a CPU and stuff ... /sigh But in comparison to a portable, it doesn't have a screen that's likely to break, especially if you like playing catch with your computer and were born with two left hands. ::ha:: But let's say if I'd want to use it as a portable HD with a bit...
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    Mac Mini Power Supply

    Does anyone have an idea how big the Power Supply is of this machine? And how much it weighs? Is it small/light enough to make the Mac Mini an upgraded portable HD? Thanks, Frederik-Jan
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    Whats on your desktop?

    You hate the Dock? ::alien::
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    Programming in Java on Mac

    Thanks for all the input everybody, keep them coming! I'll try some of them out over the weekend and the others after my finals. I'll post a small review of the applications after I tried some of them out!
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    I stand corrected, you are right. He stopped drawing Calvin and Hobbes December 31st 1995.
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    Everybody loves comics! I know I do, here are my favourite comic sites, most of them have a daily update, others are 3-5 times / week, some less, but all are great cartoons imho. OS-based Comics Machall Comics A hilarious comic about a bunch of graduates/students, all of them Mac users...
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    iPhoto 2.0.1

    I'm currently using iPhoto 2.0.1 and it's dreadfully slow, that slow I'm afraid to open it everytime and everything turns just a little darker when it's opened. I have a photo collection of over 14000 pictures I think, and I recently took out all the pictures of 2002-2004 just because it was too...
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    Whats on your desktop?

    Ah, in that case. If I want something I just use a very extensive bookmarks bar :) I have a gig ram atm, so I doubt that's a problem. No matter how you look at it tho, those thingies eat up power either way I figured, and I don't want to lose any power whatsoever cause it freaks me out...