Search results

  1. A

    Whats on your desktop?

    Simple, I used to have a zillion mods, in the end I got rid of all of em since all they do is slowing your computer down imo ... They can be fun to look at tho, but I for one do not find it life-saving to know what weather it is in Dubai, Albuquerque and the rest of the world :) My simple...
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    GMail Invites

    I also have a ton of GMail invites left. PM me if you want one. First 7 only
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    Mac mini

    Oh ... in that case a commercial success, come on, it's cheaper than the most expensive iPod!
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    Programming in Java on Mac

    Obj-C? It has to be Java, for both Mac and PC. It has to compile and run Applets and normal Java thingies (can't find the name right now). That's all I require basically. Oh, and support Methods/Classes that are in different java files.
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    Gameing on the iMac Complete bottom of the page
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    Programming in Java on Mac

    Awesome, I'll check those out this weekend after this week's exams. Got Java exam tuesday :cool:
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    Mac mini

    Ok, I was off by a couple. 266.655 USD to be exact. Did the calculation for me, that means in Euros with the prices from the Belgian Apple Store. The exchange rate currently is 1 EUR = 1.31014 USD or 1 USD = 0.763275 EUR.
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    Gameing on the iMac

    3) World of Warcaft, and trust me, it's incredible in Widescreen ...
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    Mac mini

    Yes, and the fact that there's one store in Ghent (that sells Apple), thought a lot that sell iPods. And that only this one store sells Apple software, and a pathetic, truly pathetic selection at that shows how big the market is for that. Of course then again I had to wait 3 months for my...
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    Programming in Java on Mac

    A couple of questions, a simple one if you program in Java yourself: I use XCode to write all my code and compile it, but I find it dreadfully slow. Takes ages to load and even takes ages just to type the code (every letter is delayed for some reason). I program on a 1Ghz G4 with a Gb of RAM...
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    Mac mini

    Ah, didn't know that, I always assumed it wasn't compatible, ADC connection being something of the odd one among connections, and that a S-Video was something special in the way data was transported. I have an S-Video on my Powerbook, so I don't have that adapter ... You call the graphics on a...
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    Mac mini

    Very true, but I for one don't see the point of buying 3 Mac Mini's where one G5 would suffice, and even give you over double the amount of power. Given the complicated architecture of the Mini I doubt we'll be seeing upgrades fast enough for this to work. And at what price would you sell your...
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    Mac mini

    Prices still seems a bit high in Belgium, 519 Euros. That makes for 679 USD. Hmm, not too convinced on the fairness of that (I got the latest conversion 1 EUR = 1.31014 USD from Edit: Oh, in case somebody's wondering, I'm one of the people that voted flop. The lack of a decent video...
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    Powerbook G4 Superdrive Issues

    Hey all, I'm having problems with my Superdrive. It won't burn CDs half of the time, this seems to be completely random. The problem persists with Toast, Disk Copy, iTunes, iPhoto, in Panther as well as in Classic. It's a Medium Sense Error or something like that. Waiting a while and...
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    AppleTalk in Panther, Server: About Classic

    Aye, thanks, that was it. What were they thinking??? Sidenote: I never really noticed before, but a PC with PCMacLan is now recognized twice. Once as an Appletalk enabled machine "ComputerName PC MACLAN" and once as the PC network "ComputerName" Thanks
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    Hello I'm Howard And I'm A Everquest Addict

    Look me up in the game, I'll give you some practical advice. Also, some advice I give everyone who plays this game. It's just a game, you play it when you have time, and are alone, and have nothing to do and nowhere to go to. Don't let it poison your mind, it's still a game ... It's hard to...
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    [HOWTO] Quickly close tabs in Safari

    Command-Option-W closes all tabs except the one you're currently in
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    AppleTalk in Panther, Server: About Classic

    How do I connect to machines running Classic from Panther Server? I even tried connecting by just typing afp:/namemac but even that doesn't work. Is there no other way than connecting over TCP/IP? Not a big network, just connecting to the Mac over a normal UTP cable so nothing fancy. My...
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    Everquest for Mac

    Everquest for Mac is coming! It'll be released monday or tuesday! Site of the forum: Look me up! (Nuitari on that forum) Greetz, .Nuitari
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    .avi files etc. downloading movies

    I thought the most Funny Movies were .avi. A substantial amount of the funny movies I have are .avi at least :-)