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  1. J word association!

  2. J


    Fire HAS screen-name appearance guys! If you have missed it, the latest version (released some days ago) 0.31a is available here
  3. J

    Internet Explorer 5.2 Out!

    WOW! Look at all those new cool features! The default home page is now even!! Man that's awesome!! It even has antialiased text, that many other browsers had for months/years and that I also can enable with Slik... :rolleyes: Seriously. Just look at the "what's new in this...
  4. J


    The new version of Messenger sucks, the new interface is chunky and ugly and slow and the file-transfer thing is unstable! And those two are the two only new features in a 2.1-->3.0 upgrade!:( Fire, one the other hand, is getting better (also Proteus) The only thing fire needs now for MSN...
  5. J

    Who's your favorite apple ad "CHARACTER"?

    The ads kinda remind me of TV-shop..ugh... like, "the new hair-saw2000pro-deluxe made my life SO much better, I couldn't do without it" and yeah, like fryke said, of course Apple fixes the spelling errors etc to make it look good. (everything has to look good at Apple, and that's a good...
  6. J

    New Themes/Smileys

    ROTFLMAO!! That's a good one xoot!:D (We really need a laughing smiley)
  7. J word association!

    Phil Schiller
  8. J

    The "I'm Back" thread

    This forum has always been, is and will always be my no.1 Mac forum.:)
  9. J

    New Themes/Smileys

    wdw: those smilies is really great, I would love to se them on these forums. My only problem with the ones we have now is that I think we need some more different emotions! One that I really miss is one that not sticks his tounge out to kinda tease, but one that expresses weirdness, like the...
  10. J

    Which app use for cartoon-like animation

    AfterEffects would not be the best solution here, AE is better for video-editing and effects. My suggestion is Macromedia Flash MX. I have made some pretty good cartoons in short time in Flash, check them out at in the "flash" section. I made them basically with keyframing and...
  11. J

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Hey Admiral! I visited you website and saw the page where you had your latest music mix with a link to a real player file that plays your mix (I guess)! I could not download and play it because it's a .ram file. Anyway, what I was wondering is if this is really legal? Also, could I do the same...
  12. J word association!

  13. J word association!

  14. J word association!

    Ricky Lake
  15. J

    there HAS to be something wrong with my graphics card!

    Well, I guess I need a new card anyway... Anyone have any recommandations? ATI og nVidia? GeForce or Radeon?
  16. J

    there HAS to be something wrong with my graphics card!

    :eek: There is the proof! I even have a G4!
  17. J

    there HAS to be something wrong with my graphics card!

    yes i'm sure about that when i toggle "faster but rougher" now I get 2fps... I remember I had around 14fps with that setting before...
  18. J word association!

    lucky (because I live in norway;)) (and it's spelled "Norwegian" nummi;))
  19. J

    there HAS to be something wrong with my graphics card!

    I could swear I got much higher fps before...