who has seen this film i saw it in my world cinema class the other day and i found it to be quite an amazing piece of work
here is the trailer i would recommend it if you like foriegn films or movies that really let you think
i would say the the beatles by a nose in front of Led Zep, i really dont care for Pink Floyd that much (thats right arden!) and the Who are great but i only prefer their 'classic songs'
are you laying out the magazine or(and) doing graphic design, plus the aritcles, or do you have a team to do this stuff too, plus how long is the magazine, i work for the school paper at my college and we use indesign, word, and photoshop mainly,
if its an imac you wont be able to upgrade its video card sorry, but as far as desktops go they arent really apple's graphics card but ATI and nVidia cards
8 and counting as well, people at school throw them out a lot of the time, so it they are sitting on top ill swipe them, THATS right i pick through garbage, whats the big deal..
i am not online all the time :P Im on in the morning around 10am easternUS then i go to class and im not back online till about 10pm easternUS and then ill be on for hours in to the wee hours :D
YOUR DAD TEACHES THAT CRAP!!! jkjk i dont believe in it myself being a more traditional golfer :D i could do that stuff for you but i am busy enough with school sorry, and im not sure that the natural golf logo with a flag behind it would look that good but thats just me. ok i did it anyway idk...
i think that one problem is that most people who post here to ask an inane question about there machine and really dont want to contribute to a community (which is ok only no one searches anything first!! :mad:)
oh yeah a pict here is one and yes i know a tree is growing out of my head, and...