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  1. nb3004

    firewire drive only shows up in the terminal and disk utility

    A friend of mine has a firewire drive that he uses on his PC at home however at school on our 1.42 G4's the drive doesnt show up on the desktop. It will open in the terminal through volumes and is present in disk utility, anyone else experience this or have any ideas on this problem. thanks
  2. nb3004

    The Movies That You Like A Lot

    I found Identity to be an interesting film, maybe not on par with a lot on this list but still fun and interesting
  3. nb3004

    The Movies That You Like A Lot

    Def the ending of the original is sooo much better :p
  4. nb3004

    The Movies That You Like A Lot

    Don't you mean the Rainmaker?? Rain Man was with Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise speaking of Dustin Hoffman "Midnight Cowboy" good movie
  5. nb3004

    The Movies That You Like A Lot

    Reservoir Dogs is another movie along those lines
  6. nb3004

    The Movies That You Like A Lot

    without mentioning too many movies that have been widely seen, A Clockwork Orange, Dr. Strangelove, and The Last Temptation of Christ
  7. nb3004

    Cinema 4D and Panther

    thanks it had to do with the shading, i forgot about that ill mess with it somemore as speed issues come up which im sure they will
  8. nb3004

    China orders 200 Million linux installs from Sun

    wow thats quite a lot
  9. nb3004

    Cinema 4D and Panther

    im running Cinema 4D v8.2 on my powerbook and i upgraded to panther yesterday [:D] now whenever i select a polygon and use the knife tool or use the bridge/create polygon tools the screen becomes a colored mess but i can still select the points albeit blindly, anyone else have this problem? sry...
  10. nb3004

    Who has heard about the Second Life coming out for mac??

    not sure of the requirements, its basically like another life, haha, you live out your character and buy stuff and make stuff and communicate with people, its not like a traditional RPG where you galavant across fields killing demons(although that is fun)
  11. nb3004

    Who has heard about the Second Life coming out for mac??

    its similar to the sims only everything in it is much more real, like you have to build everything yourself with a 3D app, also clothes and stuff you make is your own property, pretty excited!! hahah
  12. nb3004

    Who has heard about the Second Life coming out for mac??

    haha thanks here is a link for anyone interested, i believe apple has a trailer on their site but i am much to lazy to check before school
  13. nb3004

    Who has heard about the Second Life coming out for mac??

    Who has heard about the Second Life coming out for mac?? any news, comments, ....anything!!! :cool:
  14. nb3004

    New 20" imacs!!]

    i would have liked to see a speed bump like to 1.33 or 1.42mhz in the new iMac but they are still extremely cool
  15. nb3004

    DB Snowboard Designs

    yeah #9 definetely sucks, Orange is really cool, id snowboard on that if i actually snowboarded :D
  16. nb3004

    QUAD G4 Apple Server Platform for Enterprise

    is the person who made this serious. BTW its dated 1999 and 2001, highly doubt this will be a new Apple business solution