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  1. Qion word association!

  2. Qion

    iPhone 3G

    I'll be going to my local AT&T store the day they're available. My current 8GB iPhone is now worth about 75 dollars, but who cares? When the current technology is only $199, I'm a happy Qion! Also very excited about the programs I saw in the keynote; really fantastic stuff.
  3. Qion

    Wwdc 2008

    I really hope one of the improvements in Snow Leopard is the ability to customize the GUI. It's all just getting stale to me.
  4. Qion

    Broadband Heaven or Hell?

    That's a fairly incredible rate! :)
  5. Qion

    Broadband Heaven or Hell?

    I have a fiber optic connection that is throttled down to a piffling 15 Mbps. ;) I do feel very sorry for the Aussies still stuck at dial-up speeds...
  6. Qion

    My latest cacophony

    I happen to have that, and it was an interesting experience. I was a bit upset, though, that you wouldn't allow us to see if the fire engine made it or not. Insane, that other-worldly traffic. An American traffic cop would have a heart attack within four seconds of setting foot there.
  7. Qion

    Wwdc 2008

  8. Qion

    Wwdc 2008
  9. Qion

    Wwdc 2008

    ...I've put into words what I felt when I read nixgeek's quote... "Today, we are announcing something monumental. It is something that all of us have seen coming all these years, but never fully accepted. It will be the most polarizing decision Apple has ever made." Steve Jobs warily thumbs his...
  10. Qion

    Wwdc 2008

    Maybe it's just me, but it seems changing the processors in your computers is a lot less radical than changing your entire machine/software philosophy. Mac OS X didn't change because of the Intel transition; it merely became faster. Leasing OS X to PC vendors puts an entirely new face on Apple.
  11. Qion

    Wwdc 2008

    I'll be one of the revolters if they let OS X run on regular PCs. It's against the business concept they've been trumpeting for the past millennia. It's interesting how little concrete evidence there is about the products of this event. 3G iPhone, that's a given... but does anybody want to...
  12. Qion word association!

  13. Qion word association!

    crock pot
  14. Qion word association!

    debased //Good association, Rhisiart ;)
  15. Qion word association!

  16. Qion word association!

    nebula (Katee Sackhoff is quite a bit hotter than Jewel Staite.)
  17. Qion word association!

    Starbuck (Kara Thrace) //I do like, thank you. :)
  18. Qion word association!

    Rustic Hutch //Or Hustic Rutch, as I prefer to call it.
  19. Qion

    Before I get a new Mac...

    Thanks for the laugh. It's a nickname, have you heard of it? :p
  20. Qion word association!
