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  1. Qion word association!

  2. Qion word association!

  3. Qion word association!

  4. Qion word association!

  5. Qion

    Massive Cars

    Poetic justice indeed. It always warms my heart to hear another tragic "can't sell our SUVs" story.
  6. Qion

    Graphics not correct.

    This is probably the vaguest question I've ever seen in my entire life. :)
  7. Qion word association!

  8. Qion

    Massive Cars

    I'm sorry to hear that Rhisiart, and I hope the thug has caught retribution for his ill. If I were you, I'd immerse myself in seasons 1-4 of Battlestar Galactica and focus on the finer points of life, like not being annihilated by a religiously confused race of mecha. :)
  9. Qion

    Massive Cars

    Over Memorial Day weekend, I drove 700 miles to northern Michigan and back. It feels that 4/5 passenger vehicles I saw were some form of SUV, pickup truck, or crossover. Most of them seemed so... unnecessary. I'm not a heavy green advocate, but in this day and age, driving a vehicle like that is...
  10. Qion

    Before I get a new Mac...

    1. There are quite a few haxies and other softwares you could install to customize the way you use your computer. There are too many to list, but personally I use MenuMeters, CandyBar and TinkerTool. 2. Mac OS X is limited to Macs because Apple make computers that "just work". They make the...
  11. Qion word association!

    oatmeal /Always had a hard time reading about the Quakers without getting hungry. Marketing works!
  12. Qion

    The UK and America

  13. Qion word association!

  14. Qion word association!

  15. Qion

    The UK and America

    It seems we've all got our problems. I second rubaiyat in that Islam is not a peaceful religion. I'm not fluent in Arabic, but I have read the Koran in its English translation. It's full to the brim with hatred and radical ideals, a true warring religion if there ever was one. It's very...
  16. Qion word association!

  17. Qion

    The UK and America

    Interestingly enough, I've planned my move out of America for a couple years now. I've been researching industrial arts opportunities abroad so that I might escape all the hells of the American system to a saner state. I agree with you, I honestly do. I, however, do not wish ill on the...
  18. Qion

    The UK and America

    Rubaiyat... maybe I took your posting a bit too personally, but I have the feeling you think I'm ignorant of what I'm talking about. I do not, as you describe, leave China out of my "perspective". If anything, I was giving three countries a compliment. China isn't exactly the role model of...
  19. Qion

    Grey - Gray

    At least for my Mac Pro, I prefer a simple gray/grey background as well. Picture is what the Jaguar XF should have looked like. They botched it from the original sketches, which were brilliant.
  20. Qion word association!

    penis envy