Search results

  1. Qion

    The UK and America

    I'm with that. However, -I apologize for my profound cynicism- what the hell is this world going to do about itself? We've governmental organizations focused primarily on protecting us from ourselves, and if this is truly the case, where does it lead? When our nation states collapse, as is...
  2. Qion word association!

  3. Qion


    Eh, yeah, the new aluminum keyboard I bought to replace my old one is about as unclunky as it gets. :)
  4. Qion

    The UK and America

    I really appreciate all of your responses, bbloke's in particular; well thought out, as all of your political posts tend to be. Fryke, I never said I was surprised by any of this. If anything, what surprises me is the sheer indifference to alienation my government seems to feel. I have a...
  5. Qion

    High end audiophile computer speakers?

    Honestly if you cannot find a system from any of the producers I listed, your hearing ability far exceeds my own. And at that, I doubt many on this forum would be able to guide you better than you could guide yourself. It seems more of a personal thing, anyway, no matter how far it could be...
  6. Qion

    High end audiophile computer speakers?

    I may be missing the mark here, but I believe Bang and Olufsen make desktop speakers that blow Bose, Logitech, Altec Lansing, etc. out of the water. If you want a true audiophile experience, of course, you'd be willing to pay for it. I personally don't quite understand why a decent optical...
  7. Qion word association!

  8. Qion word association!

  9. Qion

    The UK and America

    It seems that with each passing week, I'm introduced to more despise and hatred from British people towards Americans. Whether it be on You Tube, the blogs I frequent, or simply on television, it seems that a fair number of people think America are a bunch of fat ignorant Christians with nothing...
  10. Qion

    2005 iMac Bluetooth Issues!

    I'd recommend giving Apple a call or driving your machine to the nearest Apple Store. I've learned it's better not to muck with mobo-related issues.
  11. Qion

    For 2008, I wish that Apple...

    Do you not like the MacBook Air?
  12. Qion

    Is this PC good?

    Gaming, yes, but we'll always need more power in 3D rendering... and video converting... and studio photography... and scientific endeavors... and saving the world from an alien infiltration via laptop sent to outer space. :p
  13. Qion word association!

  14. Qion

    Is this PC good?

    I prefer one of these:
  15. Qion word association!

  16. Qion word association!

  17. Qion word association!

  18. Qion word association!

    sinuses (Ever inhaled a slice of Japanese ginger???)
  19. Qion

    MAC > PC jpg issues

    If you have your PC set to auto update, and it updated to SP3, you'll have jpg incompatibility from Macs. The only workaround to that issue is to uninstall SP3 and revert to SP2.
  20. Qion word association!
