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  1. J

    OSX 10.1 review by: vic

    use curl -O http://--site-- wget is also availble in fink package manager. but you will need dev tools to compile at this moment use curl
  2. J

    Thanks Apple

    I hope everyone can realize this OS is so far superior to <b>ANYTHING</b> running on a Personal computer. Start looking at the features... I have installed on a separate partition and have done some file by file comparisons. Like, for example, the incredible handling of languages. or...
  3. J

    New? OS X.1 Feature

    I was poking around and changed a file called. .CFUserTextEncoding which is invisible in the finder, but you can see it in terminal. 1:14 is Japanese. in the /System/Library folder you can find a new set of folders in UserTemplate/ which contain the user files which are copied for new...
  4. J

    Remember Kids 5g64 Nor 5g68 Are Final Releases!

    If you go back into archives and read the game plan, Classic has a three year life expectancy. In that time you will expect to see some minor upgrades to 9.1 but as with 9.2 already upgrades have appeared which shouldn't be put on other than OSX compatible machines. In the meantime...
  5. J

    Macavenger... your FTP

    Mounting in OS9 will corrupt the image... Mounting in OS 10 is ok
  6. J

    We will dedicate bandwidth for 10.1!

    <b>I think this is the main point....</b> Provide a legitimate and authorized way to download it and show apple how many people are willing to do that. In the future Apple will think over their current policies and offer the updates for download immediately. [They are on the]...
  7. J

    We will dedicate bandwidth for 10.1!

    If you calculate from a purely business perspective what handling means when you have many many orders to process, count, fulfill and then pay for.... and temporarily house... not a for profit operation= 0 and naturally, you want some good looking babes to be doing the work, too...
  8. J

    We will dedicate bandwidth for 10.1!

    if 5G64 GMbeta I doubt there is a difference "some guy" called Tech support somehow more comforting than the "some guy" who said 5G68 is the final. <b>"Somebody" with authority please clear up the hoax.</b>
  9. J

    We will dedicate bandwidth for 10.1!

    quite a script that one.... checks for a previous install, checks to see it on a cd, checks to see you have disk space. that's just the first impression, I was looking for something else. a thin gray line on the piracy issue, it's just a matter of whether you want the post office to...
  10. J


    everyone familiar with the community knows that since several reputable places like macfixit announced that 5g64 was the GM the rush has been on to get a copy. this is the second number and some other guy just told me it had an "i" in it. and on another thread.... 5g68 someone who reads...
  11. J

    What about the dev-tools?

    but are not yet there. Developers have received the update in the Sept mailing. This is the same as is being distributed as puma_5g64_tools.dmg in several illicit places which will remain forever nameless. The read me on the disk should say Sept tools.
  12. J

    We will dedicate bandwidth for 10.1!

    Please go to this directory on the CD <code> cd "/Volumes/Mac OS X Install CD/System/Installation/Packages/Essentials.pkg/Contents/Resources" </code> and copy the contents of these two files to this list software_version package_version for 5G64 they are: s= Mac OS X 10.1...
  13. J

    Mac OS X 10.1 (5G64) GM- HOOAHHH!

    <blockquote> Are you a newbie to life as well? Doesn't matter the rationalization, if you could fid a good soul on hotline who would be willing to share with you... godd luck otherwise the major greed factor is there and most servers either want you to upload versions of software...
  14. J

    Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

    just exactly that any imperfectly implemented technology opens the door for some external troublemakers. you can limit the directories where suexec may be utilized. it is only a "potential" security risk. very handy when used in the right way.
  15. J

    Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

    line 28 of apachectl wil fix it do "locate" apachectl however it might not find the most recent version you know there is one in /usr/local/sbin you know there is one in /usr/sbin compare them the which command will tell you exactly what the system thinks is the correct one...
  16. J

    Code Red III

    <blockquote> So here is a question: does nidma actually do any... </blockquote> To MacOSX no. To windows..plenty replaces various key system files with copies of itself richedit32.dll....not minor for Word users. gives "guest users" admin privelidges looks like there is not...
  17. J

    Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

    Things. /usr/local/ as the server root. --prefix=/usr/local \ ............ you will have to edit your Startup items to get it to start the correct server. try typing "which httpd" in the term window. then "which apachectl" if they are the only ones to be found then I...
  18. J

    Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

    I thought that was put in by dev tools somewhere along the line. I think I may have removed my -ldl symbolic link in favor of the dl-lib compatibility fix from
  19. J

    Code Red III

    I had to patch my router and add some new filters to stay on line. This one sends 16 messages at a time. as opposed to the CODE RED which was only exploiting one hole. I found that most of the machines had only up to 6 vulnerabilities during August infections. the ones that had up to...
  20. J

    Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

    Let's have a look a selected pieces of your compiler output. some bits of the configure output would also be helpful. I have compiled so many things with few problems that I didn't cause by trying to be "clever". apache, php, mysql, postgres, perl 5.6.1, Tomcat, cocoon, mod_jk all work...